Junko Kobayashi: Jack Ma's dream lover, went to Japan 6 times to search, and was brought to China by him at the age of 44

Wen | Xin Lan Shu HuaEditor | Xin Lan Shu HuaprefaceJack Ma, as a highly successful wealthy businessman,The "Alibaba" founded by the company is like a miracle. The use of Alipay has occupied the daily life of the vast majority of Chinese people, and its influence once resounded abroad

Wen | Xin Lan Shu Hua

Editor | Xin Lan Shu Hua


Jack Ma, as a highly successful wealthy businessman,The "Alibaba" founded by the company is like a miracle. The use of Alipay has occupied the daily life of the vast majority of Chinese people, and its influence once resounded abroad.

However, Jack Ma's success was not accidental,He has tried mathematics and only scored 1 point, but failed the college entrance examination and traveled around to make a living

After achieving success and fame, Zeng openly stated in public,If I hadn't met Junko Kobayashi that year, I wouldn't have him as he is now,Between the lines, there is a love for Junko Kobayashi, whom I call my dream lover.

Jack Ma went to Japan six times just to find her,Who is Junko Little Deer? What kind of magic does she have?

6 searches for 44 years old and brought back

That summer, sitting in front of the TV and watchingThe scenes of 'Volleyball Girl' still deeply linger in Ma Yun's mind,The female protagonist in the play, Junko Kobayashi, has the same experience of pursuing her dreams but being hindered one after another,This highly overlapping plot resonated strongly with Jack Ma.

It was also the perseverance of Junko, the little deer in the drama, who gritted his teeth and overcame various difficulties that infected Jack Ma,Adding a supportive faith to his future path of struggle,So when he had the ability to find this actor, he resolutely embarked on this journey.

In 1994, Jack Ma, who knew nothing about actor names, went to Japan,But searching for an actor from many years ago without any identity information is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack, and this time he was forced to return empty handed.

When he appeared in Japan with confidence for the second time,He finally learned through layers of connections that the actor's name was Yumiko Araki,Just like stepping on this land for the third time, there was still no news from the other party, and this dreamy country did not fulfill his wish.

Until 2000, Jack Ma successfully founded the internationally renowned "Alibaba" and became the most successful business giant in everyone's eyes,But he still longed for Yumiko Araki and arrived in Japan for the sixth time with a worried heart.

But Yumiko Araki has only been in the film and television industry for less than 10 years, and now there is no news. Perhaps the reason for this is that he has retired, just as Jack Ma thought he had also failed this timeSuddenly, I was informed by my friend that I had contacted Yumiko Araki,But at that time, Jack Ma was about to board the plane for his return home with a "doorstep".

The two had to hastily exchange their contact information,But this was enough to excite Jack Ma, and finding someone was already his greatest fortune,So shortly after returning to China, Jack Ma invited the other party to his company,Let's talk about the tremendous encouragement that the role of "Junko Little Deer" has given me over the years.

Yumiko Araki never expected that a work he accidentally starred in could have such a profound impact on an unknown audience,She also revealed her experience of retreating from the film under Ma Yun's inquiry

Araki Yumiko

Araki Yumiko Causing her to be strangled in the cradle by her father before she had put in any effort to achieve her dream.

Whenever faced with strong opposition from her father, she would always cry uncontrollably, longing in her heart that her father would be moved by her.

Once, she accidentally participated in a talent show and was selected by a television station due to her excellent external conditions, which gave her the opportunity to appear in the drama "Flame of Youth".

She is well aware that this is the "doorstep" for her entry into the film and television industry, and she trains various volleyball skills needed for various characters day and night,Improve your physical fitness.

The drama became popular after its broadcast,She rose to fame with her youthful, beautiful, and brave dream chaser image, deeply imprinted in the hearts of many viewers.

Until Japan in the 1970s won several championship trophies in the women's volleyball sport,At that time, a group of women's volleyball team members were sought after and appreciated by countless Japanese nationals.

So a wave of "volleyball fever" emerged, and almost every street and alleyway could be seen with athletes everywhere. Seeing this, Japan hurriedlyThe drama 'Flame of Youth' was introduced to China under the name of 'Volleyball Girl',This gave Jack Ma the opportunity to notice the other party.

Originally, with this character, one could step up the career path in the entertainment industry step by step, butAraki Yumiko

Afterwards, she also shared with the public that she retired toTaking care of my mother-in-law with Alzheimer's disease lasted for a full 20 years,Until the unfortunate death of my mother-in-law, I still had a longing and persistence for acting in my heartWhen she wanted to return to the film and television industry, she was suddenly diagnosed with a tumor.

Fortunately, she had a strong willpower and quickly picked herself up for treatment. Her husband also accompanied her attentively and was able to overcome the difficulties in the end,This touching experience is actually very similar to Jack Ma.

Ma Yun

Ma YunThe math teacher saw that he almost "doubted life" when he only scored 1 point in the exam, and in the end, as expected, he also failed the college entrance examination,I had to work around.

After this situation lasted for a long time,Ma YunMa Yun

Ma YunBut he did not receive the ideal return, and after a period of silence after failing twice, he was still unwilling. So he returned to his dusty room and made up his mind to fight again.

This time, he almost made every effort to learn to forget to eat and sleep, with expectations for the future and extraordinary pressure,Silently in my heart, over and over againRepeating the most exciting line of "never give up" by Junko Kobayashi,In the end, he was successfully admitted as he had hoped.

Ma YunAfter completing his studies, he was assigned to become a respected teacher of the people.

Ma YunThere was a time when he was stuck in the mud repeating, but now he has already overcome the most difficult days, and the unyielding spirit has always guided him to make changes.

So he founded "Alibaba" and became the most famous businessman in one fell swoop,The motto of the company is to support and accompany oneself day and night with the line 'never give up'.

Ma YunMa Yun


Araki Yumiko Ma YunMa Yun

Two people are separated by two places and become each other's light at different times,Both have helped and inspired each other, and fate has enabled them to meet again. May every dreamer live the life they want as they wish.

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