The Research Report on China's AIforScience Innovation Map has been officially released

The Research Report on China's AIforScience Innovation Map has been officially released

At the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference Ascending Artificial Intelligence Industry Summit Forum held on July 6th, the "China AIforScience Innovation Map Research Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"), jointly prepared by the China Institute of Science and Technology Information Technology and the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and relevant research institutions, was officially released.At the meeting, Zhao Zhiyun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the China Institute of Science and Technology Information Technology, and Director of the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Research Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology, introduced that artificial intelligence empowering scientific research has increasingly shown great potential to break through the bottleneck of traditional scientific research capabilities and is becoming a new paradigm for global scientific research...

Taotian Group responded by

Taotian Group responded by "canceling the P sequence": reform is necessary and necessary, and the plan is still in the research stage

In response to today's media reports that Taobao Tmall Group has launched a human resources system reform, involving multiple core issues such as employee performance and hierarchical system. In response to the interface news, Taotian Group stated that the reform is necessary and necessary, and the plan is still in the research stage...

Shanghai AI development highland, research on diversity of journalists' field trips

Shanghai AI development highland, research on diversity of journalists' field trips

Global Network reporter Zhang Yang: A new wave of AI craze, represented by AIGC and Big Model, is sweeping the world. During the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC2023), Global Network reporters visited Shanghai Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Shanghai Jiaotong University Institute of Translational Medicine and other research institutions to feel the speed of AI development in China...

A water gushing occurred in a high-speed tunnel in Guizhou, and traffic police say they are evaluating the cause. The tunnel was once a research case due to its complex geology

A water gushing occurred in a high-speed tunnel in Guizhou, and traffic police say they are evaluating the cause. The tunnel was once a research case due to its complex geology

A water gushing occurred in a high-speed tunnel in Guizhou, and traffic police say they are evaluating the cause. The tunnel was once a research case due to its complex geologyOn July 9th, in Renhuai, Guizhou, the walls of the Tanchang Tunnel on the Zunchi Expressway leaked water, causing multiple streams of water to spray out, attracting the attention of many netizens...

Research: Nearly half of tap water in the United States is contaminated with permanent chemical PFAS

Research: Nearly half of tap water in the United States is contaminated with permanent chemical PFAS

[First hand information] 2 hours agoNickel is an indispensable part of life, used in stainless steel, mobile phones, and electric vehicle batteries. As the world shifts towards more environmentally friendly cars, it is expected that the demand for metals will increase significantly...

Researchers of You'an Hospital questioned the real world research of Xiangya: is Azvudine really a magic drug?

Researchers of You'an Hospital questioned the real world research of Xiangya: is Azvudine really a magic drug?

Previously, several researchers from Xiangya Hospital made unremitting efforts to use the data of the same group of COVID-19 patients hospitalized in Xiangya, left to right, and issued three papers to demonstrate that Azvudine is effective in COVID-19 patients, not only effective, but also more effective than P drug.When we tested the data, we found that the data of the same group of patients were contradictory in several papers, which made the reliability of these studies quite suspicious (suspected fraud! Tear off the mask of Azvudine's effectiveness in the real world)...

GPT-4 hybrid large model? Research has proven that MoE+instruction tuning does indeed outperform large models

GPT-4 hybrid large model? Research has proven that MoE+instruction tuning does indeed outperform large models

Machine Heart ReportEditor: Xiaozhou, Chen PingGoogle, UC Berkeley, and others have proven that MoE+instruction tuning has worked 1+1> The effect of 2.Since the introduction of GPT-4, people have been amazed by its powerful emergence ability, including excellent language comprehension, generative ability, logical reasoning ability, and so on...

US tap water is generally contaminated with toxic PFAS, and research warns of health risks

US tap water is generally contaminated with toxic PFAS, and research warns of health risks

The new research report issued by the United States Geological Survey shows that at least 45% of tap water in the United States contains toxic perfluorinated and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). These substances are not easily degraded in the environment and human body, and are also known as "permanent chemicals"...

Research shows that curly hair is crucial for human brain development

Research shows that curly hair is crucial for human brain development

Reported on Reference News Network on July 5thAccording to the website of Newsweek on June 27th, scientists have found that curly hair may be the key to the development of such a large human brain.A research paper published by researchers at Pennsylvania State University analyzed how human hair texture helps regulate body temperature...

Help Quantum technology! After Nature, the scientific research team of Wuhan University will release Science again!

Help Quantum technology! After Nature, the scientific research team of Wuhan University will release Science again!

Recently,SciencePublished in ScienceWuhan UniversityThe latest research results of Yuan Shengjun's team from the School of Physical Science and Technology on the Rydberg Morr excitons. The title of the paper is(Discovering the Rydberg Moore exciton)...

From the Steep Waterway to the Golden Waterway - Record the Scientific Research Achievements of the Three Gorges Ship Lock Cascade Navigation Series

From the Steep Waterway to the Golden Waterway - Record the Scientific Research Achievements of the Three Gorges Ship Lock Cascade Navigation Series

The Three Gorges Water Control Project. Lin Hai PhotographyIn July, the Three Gorges Dam is often shrouded in clouds...

The largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform for Chinese universities has been launched, and the public cloud model has significantly improved the efficiency of computing power utilization

The largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform for Chinese universities has been launched, and the public cloud model has significantly improved the efficiency of computing power utilization

On June 27th, the largest cloud based research and intelligent computing platform CFFF (Computing for the Future at Fudan) in Chinese universities was officially launched at Fudan University. This scientific research "supercomputer" built to discover and solve complex scientific problems was jointly built by Fudan University and Alibaba Cloud...