What are the "618" scams? Someone has been cheated of 790000 yuan! Be careful of these traps

The wave of e-commerce promotion in the year 618 has just come to an end. Taking advantage of the overwhelming promotional activities, scammers are taking advantage of the "fire" to loot

The wave of e-commerce promotion in the year 618 has just come to an end. Taking advantage of the overwhelming promotional activities, scammers are taking advantage of the "fire" to loot. Several citizens in Wenzhou have been recruited, and some have even been cheated of 790000 yuan. The editor has compiled several common fraud "tricks" to help citizens avoid pitfalls.

1. Product claims fraud

Cheated 790000 yuan for a steamer

On June 11th at 19:00, Ms. Chen, a citizen, received a call from her self proclaimed Taobao customer service at home, informing her that the steamer she had previously purchased did not meet national standards and she would be compensated 100 yuan.

At the beginning, Ms. Chen did not ask for compensation from the other party, but the other party said that if the claim channel was not closed, Ms. Chen's Alipay balance would automatically deduct 500 yuan from the default fee every month.

Upon hearing this, Ms. Chen agreed to accept compensation and followed the instructions of the other party. She first downloaded the Tencent Conference app and then activated the app's shared screen function. Under the guidance of the other party, she entered the bank card and transfer verification code sent by the other party, and was scammed a total of 790000 yuan three times.

Revealing the Secrets of Deception:

A scammer will impersonate the official customer service and inform you via phone or text message that there is a problem with the product you purchased, requiring a refund or compensation. In the so-called compensation process, scammers induce you to leave the official platform and operate through other fake platforms to evade regulation. You are required to follow the corresponding steps, such as sending links to fill in information, transferring money to verify whether the bank card can be used normally, or even requiring "sharing the screen" to steal the account and password, so as to commit fraud.

2. Express delivery loss compensation scam

Lost the package? Also cheated of 250000 yuan

Recently, Ms. Yang, who lives in Wutian, Ouhai, received a phone call claiming to be the "claims center of a certain shopping platform". The other party claimed that due to the high volume of express transportation during the "618" period, Ms. Yang's express delivery was lost, but she can apply for compensation. Ms. Yang did have a courier still displayed on the road, and the other party was able to accurately disclose their personal information, so she believed the other party's words.

After adding the other party's QQ, Ms. Yang entered the bank card number and corresponding verification code as required. Subsequently, the 'customer service' announced that the 'claims channel' had been opened, and if the subsequent operations were not completed on time, her bank card funds would be frozen. Due to concerns that her bank card would be frozen and the temptation of high claims, Ms. Yang made two consecutive transfers to the designated bank account. It wasn't until the other party received the payment and blackmailed her that Ms. Yang realized she had been deceived, resulting in a loss of over 250000 yuan.

Coincidentally, on June 5th, Ms. Yu from Panqiao, Ouhai received a call from a self proclaimed "customer service" on a certain platform, claiming that one of Ms. Yu's couriers had been damaged and could be compensated through process operations. After downloading a chat app and entering a designated meeting, Ms. Yu submitted a deposit of over 45000 yuan to the designated account.

Revealing the Secrets of Deception:

A scammer will impersonate a "courier company personnel" to contact the victim, falsely claiming that the courier is lost or there is a problem with the quality of the product, and requesting compensation from you. Next, the scammer will send you a "claim" link or QR code, inducing you to fill in your bank card number, phone number, and verification code on a fake platform, in order to transfer the money from the bank card.

3. Cancel membership fraud

I was almost cheated of 10000 yuan to cancel my membership

On May 30th, Ms. Mou, a citizen, received an unfamiliar phone call from Malaysia, claiming to be a "platform customer service" and claiming that her membership on the platform needs to be cancelled, otherwise monthly fees will be automatically deducted. Thinking of the news of many hidden "automatic renewal" agreements emptying her wallet, Ms. Mu quickly followed the other party's instructions.

Customer service "stated that according to the backend display, it should be Ms. Mou who had previously shopped on the platform and also opened a platform membership. To cancel the membership agreement, Ms. Mou's bank account is required. Under the guidance of "customer service", Ms. Mou made a payment of 900 yuan to the designated account of the other party. The scammer returned the 900 to Ms. Mou in order to gain her trust. Through this transfer, the fraudster successfully obtained Ms. Mou's bank card number. Just as the fraudster tricked Ms. Mou into informing her of the phone verification code needed to modify the password, the police arrived in time and successfully dissuaded her from paying more than 10000 yuan.

Revealing the Secrets of Deception:

The fraudster often pretends to be the customer service of the platform (Tiktok, Xiaohongshu, Pinduoduo, Xianyu, Taobao, Tmall, JD, etc.), falsely claims to upgrade the victim to a member, authorize the victim to act as an agent, and handle the goods installment business for the victim by mistake. If the above business is not cancelled, the victim will be induced to transfer money and commit fraud on the grounds of deduction. The so-called "cancellation of membership and payment of deposit" are all scams used by scammers to deceive and transfer funds. If there are doubts about the use of the platform, it is necessary to verify through official channels and do not trust unfamiliar calls.

4. Old user rebate fraud

Received a cup and was scammed 30000 yuan

On June 3rd, Ms. Xu, who lives in a residential area in Baixiang, Ou Hainan, received a strange call from a self proclaimed platform customer service. The other person said that she would give back to her old customers during the "618 Shopping Festival" and specially sent her a "cup" for free. Excited, Ms. Xu quickly added the other party's WeChat account and then clicked on the link to download and enter the designated app.

Under the guidance of the "detailed introduction", Ms. Xu mistakenly transferred 30000 yuan from her bank card to the designated account. But in the end, the instructor blamed Ms. Xu for buying the wrong item, and repairing the order data still required 80000 yuan. At this moment, Ms. Xu suddenly realized that she had been deceived.

Revealing the Secrets of Deception:

The scammer used the "618 Shopping Festival" as a pretext to give back to old customers, sending free gift orders for "new coats" and inducing the download of scam software to collect gift "cups". When entering the so-called "welfare group", it will allow you to complete simple tasks such as brushing orders and liking, and provide small commissions to gain your trust. Subsequently, the fraudster will continue to lure you to invest more funds and refuse to return the money under the pretext of unfinished tasks or abnormal operations, until you realize that you have been deceived.

Source: Bazhou Public Security Bureau Anti Fraud Center

Editor in charge: Xiao Zhe

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