TCL Li Dongsheng: Exploring New Paths to Global Development and Injecting New Power into the World Economy

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiThe global operation of Chinese enterprises has become an important way for China to connect with the world, and the globalization process of enterprises will also inject new impetus into the world economic recovery. "On June 27, at the 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum (also known as the" 2023 Summer Davos Forum "), TCL founder and chairman Li Dongsheng said

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiThe global operation of Chinese enterprises has become an important way for China to connect with the world, and the globalization process of enterprises will also inject new impetus into the world economic recovery. "On June 27, at the 14th Annual Meeting of New Leaders of the World Economic Forum (also known as the" 2023 Summer Davos Forum "), TCL founder and chairman Li Dongsheng said.

During this summer's Davos Forum, Li Dongsheng, as a representative of China's science and technology manufacturing industry, was invited to attend the meeting and attended the important links of the forum, sharing TCL's thinking and practice in globalization, high-quality development of manufacturing industry, promoting Chinese path to modernization, green and low-carbon development and other aspects.

Adapt to the new situation and exploreNew Path of Globalization Development

In Li Dongsheng's view, globalization is a Grand strategy development direction of China's science and technology manufacturing industry. With the restructuring of the global economic landscape, China's manufacturing industry should actively adapt to the changes in the globalization situation, persist in going global, shift from exporting products to exporting industrial capabilities, and establish supply and industrial chains in target markets.

Taking TCL itself as an example, currently in the intelligent terminal industry, TCL continues to increase its global layout and has established a series of color TV, air conditioning, ice washing, and audio industry bases worldwide. Thanks to the increasingly in-depth industrial layout, the global landing capacity of TCL intelligent terminals continues to improve. Data shows that in 2022, the global sales of TCL brand color TVs exceeded 23 million units, ranking second in the world.

At the same time, TCL is also actively promoting the semiconductor display industry. Li Dongsheng revealed that four years ago, TCL Huaxing established a module factory in India, which has now been put into operation to support TCL Huaxing's business development in the Indian market. In the future, TCL Huaxing will also consider appropriately increasing its overseas layout based on business development and market needs

In terms of the new energy photovoltaic industry, TCL Central promoted globalization three years ago by participating in Maxeon, a photovoltaic cell module company. It is reported that TCL Central has established production factories in Malaysia, the Philippines, and Mexico through Maxeon, and is actively considering opening factories in the United States.

It is worth mentioning that in the field of photovoltaic crystals and chips, TCL Central has a global market share of over 20%, ranking first in the world. TCL Central believes that in order to maintain high production capacity of crystal chips in the global market, it is necessary to establish factories overseas. At the end of May, TCL Central announced that it would invest in the construction of a photovoltaic crystal chip factory project in Saudi Arabia, with the aim of creating the first local photovoltaic industry chain in Saudi Arabia and promoting and assisting the energy transformation of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East region.

The core keyword of globalization is localization. "Li Dongsheng emphasized that TCL will take root in its own competitiveness in the country and region where it is located, and make greater contributions to the local economy and society while developing its business, in order to achieve a win-win situation in the global value chain.

Targeting the "dual carbon" goal and promoting the manufacturing industryGreen transformation

Nowadays, with the continuous acceleration of the "dual carbon" goal, the economy and society will undergo extensive and profound systemic changes. The Comprehensive Work Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in the 14th Five Year Plan proposes that by 2025, the energy consumption per unit of GDP in China will decrease by 13.5% compared to 2020, and the total energy consumption will be reasonably controlled.

,Green transformation,TCL,,TCL,,TCL,,TCLTCL,

According to calculations, TCL Huaxing can generate 142 million kilowatt hours of electricity annually through distributed power generation within the factory area. TCL Central reduces production energy consumption and increases the proportion of green electricity usage in production, generating over 50 million kWh of green electricity throughout the year.

Secondly, in the dimension of product greening, TCL not only produces energy-saving products, but also strengthens the recycling and utilization of products. The reporter learned that TCL has set the goal of a "waste free" group, planning to achieve a closed-loop production process through waste reuse and other means, without generating external emissions.

Li Dongsheng stated that the "Green Carbon Chain Connection" business is conducive to driving the upstream and downstream industries to improve their green development level, and is expected to drive upstream and downstream enterprises to achieve annual carbon reduction of about 840 tons.

Fourthly, in terms of enterprise operations, Li Dongsheng revealed that at the upcoming TCL Global Ecological Partnership Conference in early July, TCL will release its commitment and action plan for the "dual carbon" goal.

We will focus on the 'dual carbon' goal, continue to promote innovation driven green development, and focus on promoting the transformation of business ideas in the three core industries. "Li Dongsheng said that TCL Central will layout more green industries, accelerate the production and manufacturing of new energy photovoltaic materials, and TCL Industry and TCL Huaxing will actively layout green intelligent manufacturing and product upgrades, and implement energy-saving, emission reduction, and efficiency enhancement measures.

carry forwardEntrepreneurial spirit,Take on more social responsibility

Entrepreneurial spirit,Entrepreneurial spirit




Entrepreneurial spirit,,,,Entrepreneurial spirit


,Entrepreneurial spirit,,,,

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