The International Fire Protection Exhibition opens today, with Beijing enterprises showcasing numerous independently developed products

The International Fire Protection Exhibition opens today, with Beijing enterprises showcasing numerous independently developed products

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Zhang Yu GannanOn the morning of October 10th, the 20th China International Fire Equipment Technology Exchange Exhibition, which lasted for 4 days, opened at the China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall). This exhibition has reached a historic high in terms of exhibitors, number of exhibits, and exhibition area...

Research Reveals the Structure and Self Inhibition Mechanism of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Transamidase Complex Binding to Ligands

Research Reveals the Structure and Self Inhibition Mechanism of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Transamidase Complex Binding to Ligands

[Source: Shanghai Municipal Government Today Shanghai Industry Information]Recently, NatureCommunications published online the research results of Li exemplary research group of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Molecular Cell Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Qu Qianhui research group of Fudan UniversityGlycosylphosphatidylinositol TransamidaseIlluminateGPI-APBiogenesis reveals the structural basis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) transamidase (GPI-T) complexes for recognizing a wide range of substrates and the self inhibitory mechanism for preventing accidental shear.GPI modification is a common post translational modification in eukaryotes...

Virtual Reality, Smart Home, Automobiles, Robots... Take a Glance at the Highlights of the 2023 Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Technology Exhibition

Virtual Reality, Smart Home, Automobiles, Robots... Take a Glance at the Highlights of the 2023 Shanghai International Consumer Electronics Technology Exhibition

Source: Published in ShanghaiEditor: Xia YangPast HighlightsEating more crabs during the Cold Dew Festival, let's see the way to open crabs in rural areas - Yanhuo FengxianGood news! Fengxian District Community Governance Cases Selected as National Typical CasesSteamed cakes originally need to be paired with this to have a soul. Take a look at the craftsmanship of Grandpa Fengxian9 communities, 16 locations! Is there any community micro update for your family in Nanqiao Town this round?...

Experience the magic of the desert up close! Songjiang Science and Technology Museum Introduces Desert Ecology Theme Exhibition

Experience the magic of the desert up close! Songjiang Science and Technology Museum Introduces Desert Ecology Theme Exhibition

The magical desert landscape is always tempting. Recently, the Songjiang Science and Technology Museum introduced a desert ecology themed exhibition, presenting remote desert landscapes in miniature to the public...

Attack the

Attack the "Little Giant" | Visual Bits: Give the production line a pair of "smart eyes" and install a "smart brain"

Editor's note:There is a group of enterprises, small in size, but ambitious, possessing unique skills, and wandering the world alone, known as the "little giants". In Changsha, the "little giants" are like stars and moons, deeply cultivating their respective fields and running dark horses in the industry, becoming a dazzling light in the high-quality development of the city's industrial economy...

The Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center has an extraordinary momentum and is expected to be completed by the end of the year

The Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center has an extraordinary momentum and is expected to be completed by the end of the year

Reporter Zhou QingxianDuring the National Day holiday, the construction of the Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center project, located in the starting area of Jinan, is still ongoing. Large hotels, registration halls, and two rows of twelve exhibition halls are about to be completed...

Do not unplug the charger after charging the phone? This habit is very dangerous!

Do not unplug the charger after charging the phone? This habit is very dangerous!

A Day for Contemporary PeopleIt's like thisPlaying with your phone, charging it, sleeping with your phoneAnyway, you can't do without a phoneBut mobile work is never idle from morning till nightThis makes us inseparable from a small object - a chargerBelieve many friends, for convenienceFrequently not unplugging the charger after charging the phoneBut is this really safeIs the charger unplugged or not unplugged?After experimental testingAs long as the charger is connected to the circuit board, even if there is no load, it will generate a certain amount of current. Some currents are small, while others are relatively large, but they will always be in working condition...

Simplify to complexity, 30 'geniuses' appear, making people feel a bit overwhelmed

Simplify to complexity, 30 'geniuses' appear, making people feel a bit overwhelmed

Six people can have their own locks, and each person can open the door!Who left this in my car in the parking lot? I just want to have a good conversation with himThis is the best way he can think of drawing a giraffe!Leave this to the next tenant, he will definitely go crazy when he discovers it.My five year old niece asked me: How long does a newborn need to charge before they can go home?Me: This is a heart rate monitor...

Alibaba fined 7.1 billion yuan, Damo Academy promised to track the truth for 100 billion yuan over three years, but Alibaba's ambitions are hard to hide

Alibaba fined 7.1 billion yuan, Damo Academy promised to track the truth for 100 billion yuan over three years, but Alibaba's ambitions are hard to hide

Recently, Alibaba was fined 7.1 billion yuan by Chinese market regulatory authorities, which has attracted widespread attention and discussion...

Southern Observation | Shenzhen Smart Elderly Care First Exhibition, What

Southern Observation | Shenzhen Smart Elderly Care First Exhibition, What "Wind" Has Blown?

Exoskeleton rehabilitation robots, feeding robots, and assistive transfer machines....

European Research: Red Light on Earth's Habitability Status, 6 out of 9 Indicators Exceeding Safety Line

European Research: Red Light on Earth's Habitability Status, 6 out of 9 Indicators Exceeding Safety Line

Interface News Reporter | Liu ZixiangInterface News Editing|A new study funded by the European Union and Germany states that out of the nine key indicators for measuring the health status of the Earth, six exceed the safe range, and two are developing in a dangerous direction. As described by the research institute, 'The Earth is now like a patient'...

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

Japanese media: Chinese researchers are prohibited from entering the Japan Space Agency's research institute, and space station cooperation is inappropriate

followRecently, a Japanese space agency ban on Chinese researchers from entering the Japanese space station has sparked heated discussion online, and combined with Japan's recent high-profile "feat" of two failed launches of the H3 spacecraft, this statement is particularly comical.This statement of Japan is undoubtedly a contempt and rejection of the China National Space Administration and Space technology, which vividly reflects the pride and narrowness of the Japanese in their bones, and more importantly, their fear of China's development...