Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

Is it worth investing 51.6 billion yuan over decades to successfully open the Qinchuan River to the water diversion project from the Han River to the Wei River

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The Early Water Diversion Project from Han to Wei Rivers Achieves

The Early Water Diversion Project from Han to Wei Rivers Achieves "Hand in Hand" between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River

Source: Original manuscript by People's DailyPeople's Daily, Beijing, July 17 (Jiao Lei) On July 16, the national key water conservancy project - the Water Diversion from Han to Wei River Project officially opened to Xi'an, and the beautiful wish of the Han River flowing through the Runze Guanzhong area of the Qinling Mountains has become a reality. Among them, the Qinling Water Diversion Tunnel is a key control project for the entire Han to Wei River Diversion Project...

The Shaanxi Water Diversion Project from Han to Wei officially opens to Xi'an

The Shaanxi Water Diversion Project from Han to Wei officially opens to Xi'an

On July 16th, the national key water conservancy project, the Shaanxi Provincial Water Diversion Project from Han to Wei, was initially opened to water. The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers successfully "joined hands" in the ancient capital of Xi'an, and the beautiful vision of the Han River flowing through the Qinling Mountains to moisten the land of Qinchuan came true...

Just chisel through a hundred kilometer tunnel for Qinling! The Shaanxi version of the

Just chisel through a hundred kilometer tunnel for Qinling! The Shaanxi version of the "South to North Water Diversion" connects the Han River to the Wei River!

#Everything we see and get is very scientific#Another unprecedented project is about to be completed in full! Not inferior to the South to North Water Diversion,Our country chisels through the Qinling Mountains to connect the Han River with the Wei River!If you have a little knowledge of geography, you will know,The Qinling Huaihe River line is the geographical boundary that distinguishes the southern and northern regions of China, and the strategic significance of the Qinling Mountains in China is evident.Jia Pingwa, a famous writer, wrote in his works: "There is a dragon vein stretching, supporting the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, leading the north and south...