AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs AI Powers B2B Foreign Trade, Driving Digital Transformation for Global SMEs The digital wave of global trade is sweeping the world, and B2B foreign trade, as a vital part of global trade, is entering a crucial period of digital transformation...

Not 'Made in India'? Huawei didn't expect it, Apple officially clarified, foreign media: unable to handle it

Not 'Made in India'? Huawei didn't expect it, Apple officially clarified, foreign media: unable to handle it

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Astronauts forced to sleep together, foreign media evaluation: garbage dump! China Space Station is like an Apple store

Astronauts forced to sleep together, foreign media evaluation: garbage dump! China Space Station is like an Apple store

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On the 9th, the US achieved a significant breakthrough in 6G, and foreign media said that Huawei has completely fallen behind? International news

On the 9th, the US achieved a significant breakthrough in 6G, and foreign media said that Huawei has completely fallen behind? International news

For your better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click 'Follow' and we will update you with exciting news every day!The tense situation on the international political stage has once again attracted global attention.From the significant breakthrough of the US 6G, the bombing of chemical plants, the major trouble faced by the Kokang Allied Army, and the end of the Sino US "financial war", these series of events have all touched the nerves of the world...

Long ago eliminated by our country, but now it is directly popular abroad. Foreigner: These three good things are not needed in China?

Long ago eliminated by our country, but now it is directly popular abroad. Foreigner: These three good things are not needed in China?

Click on the top right to follow and unlock daily good articlesWen | Xue Zhengzheng aaEditor | Xue Zhengzheng aaThere are many old objects from the last century in China, which brought great convenience to people's lives due to their excellent quality and performance. However, with the development of the times, they have alsoGradually eliminated...

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Alibaba International Station AI Business Assistant Online Digging for Digital Foreign Trade Dividends

Digital trade is becoming a new trend in the development of international trade today and a new growth point for future international trade development.According to customs data, in 2022, the scale of service trade that can be digitally delivered in China reached 2...

Leaving the Chinese market, Apple officially announced! Foreign media: Cook is indeed an old orphan

Leaving the Chinese market, Apple officially announced! Foreign media: Cook is indeed an old orphan

Recently, Foxconn has faced unprecedented tax and land use investigations in China, sparking widespread discussions about Apple's strategic choices in the Chinese market. This article will explore the importance of the Chinese market for Apple, the considerations behind Apple's supply chain adjustment, and strategic analysis of the Chinese market...

After the ban has been upgraded for 24 hours, precise countermeasures will be launched again! Foreign media: Completely played off!

After the ban has been upgraded for 24 hours, precise countermeasures will be launched again! Foreign media: Completely played off!

Preface: The current international situation is constantly changing, like an ever-changing picture.On a global scale, multiple fields such as politics, economy, and technology are showing a coexistence of vigorous development and profound changes...

Sudden reversal of situation? Biden announces permanent exemption, foreign media: China may not need it anymore!

Sudden reversal of situation? Biden announces permanent exemption, foreign media: China may not need it anymore!

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Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Chinese and Foreign Experts Discuss Green Transformation, Beijing Association for Science and Technology: Using Green Design to Assist Green Development Practice

Global Times Global Network Comprehensive ReportOn the 26th local time, the 2023 International Forum on Green Design and Green Manufacturing (Berlin) and the Dialogue on Green Transformation and Climate Change were held in Berlin, Germany. More than 30000 political and business professionals, scholars, and industry representatives from more than ten countries, including China, Germany, the United States, Italy, Georgia, France, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, participated in the conference through offline and online means, jointly exploring, exchanging, and conspiring for green development around the theme of "green design, green world"...

Alibaba International Station Officially Launches Foreign Trade AI

Alibaba International Station Officially Launches Foreign Trade AI "Business Assistant"

On October 26th, the reporter learned that Alibaba International's foreign trade AI product "Business Assistant" will be launched on November 1st and open to all merchants. It is understood that this is the first AI product that truly delves into the industry and forms a business model...

The United States is going to kill you! Let Chinese chips become

The United States is going to kill you! Let Chinese chips become "electronic waste"? Foreign: "Bet" Wins

Pay little attention and take you through the essence of social finance with different perspectives!On the stage of technological progress and global economic development, chips, which are insignificant yet can influence the entire world, always attract countless attention.From giants in Silicon Valley to rising stars in China, they are eager to leave their mark in this field...