The world's first pig Heart transplantation failed in human surgery. American Scientist summarized three reasons

The world's first pig Heart transplantation failed in human surgery. American Scientist summarized three reasons

The failure of the world's first pig Heart transplantation operation for humans has provided valuable lessons for the scientific community. Although this attempt ended in failure, we can see from it that the future research of Heart transplantation will be more successful...

Is there a ghost in my heart? US giants accelerate their withdrawal, foreign media: a chain reaction of the Meiguang incident has emerged

Is there a ghost in my heart? US giants accelerate their withdrawal, foreign media: a chain reaction of the Meiguang incident has emerged

Jay Chou - sunny day_ 20231917136. mp34:29From the Science and Technology New Knowledge MuseumThis article is original, please do not plagiarize or move, violators will be held accountableIn order to do business in China, American chip companies took great pains to launch special A800 and H800 chips to fill the order of high-end GPU chips that cannot be shipped...

The Heart of Molecules Xu Jinbo's speech at Zhongguancun Forum: AI protein design leads to new changes in biobased economy

The Heart of Molecules Xu Jinbo's speech at Zhongguancun Forum: AI protein design leads to new changes in biobased economy

On May 30, it was reported that at the Zhongguancun Forum "Scientific Research Forum Driven by Artificial Intelligence", Xu Jinbo, a well-known computational biologist, founder of Molecular Heart and outstanding visiting professor of the Institute of Intelligent Industry (AIR) of Tsinghua University, said that AI biology has become a new core field of global science and technology integration and innovation. Driven by emerging technologies such as AI protein design technology, the field of biotechnology is undergoing disruptive changes, The AI biological model will accelerate this process...