Top Ten Buzzwords of 2024: A New Linguistic Landscape in the Age of AI

Top Ten Buzzwords of 2024: A New Linguistic Landscape in the Age of AI

Top Ten Buzzwords of 2024: A New Linguistic Landscape in the Age of AIIn 2024, the National Language Resources Promotion Base and the authoritative linguistic journal Yawen Jiaozi released the "Top Ten Buzzwords of 2024," which are: Digitalization (Shuzhihua), Benevolent AI (Zhineng Xiangshan), Future Industries (Weilai Chanye), City Vibes (City bu City), Hard Control (Yingkong), Vivacious (Shuilingling de), Office Vibe (Banwei), Relaxed Feeling (Songchi Gan), Silver Hair Power (Yinfa Lliang), and Kid Bro/Kid Sis (Xiaohi G/Xiaohi Ji). These words, like a mirror reflecting society, clearly illustrate the characteristics of Chinese society in 2024, showcasing technological advancement, cultural fusion, and changes in people's lifestyles...