On-Demand Delivery: Driving New Productivity in the Economy

On-Demand Delivery: Driving New Productivity in the Economy

On-Demand Delivery: Driving New Productivity in the Economy In the era of digitalization, on-demand delivery has emerged as a prominent representation of the new economy, profoundly transforming our lifestyles and business landscapes. This article delves into the evolution, competitive landscape, industry barriers, innovative practices, and positive socio-economic impact of the on-demand delivery sector...

LiLi the Digital Human Pioneers VR Foray into Reality TV

LiLi the Digital Human Pioneers VR Foray into Reality TV

LiLi, the digital human from Alibaba's Entertainment Media Group, made her reality TV debut on Youku's popular variety show "The Box Cat", sparking online discussions. Following her role as "Erzhuang" in the animated series "Under One Person", LiLi is the first hyper-realistic digital human to participate in a live-action reality show in China...

Cheetah Mobile Chairman Fu Sheng angrily criticized Wang Zizi: not only does he eat soft food, but he is also a rogue.

Cheetah Mobile Chairman Fu Sheng angrily criticized Wang Zizi: not only does he eat soft food, but he is also a rogue.

Recently, a storm among industry giants has quietly swept the internet, and the previously calm CEOs have attracted huge attention due to their interview comments. In this verbal storm, it not only involves the "rainbow fart" of Wang Zizi and Dong Mingzhu, but also the dissatisfaction of Cheetah Mobile CEO Fu Sheng in his friend circle...

The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

The 13 kilometer tunnel has been repaired for 14 years! How many Chinese engineers have turned their green hair into white hair as tunnels turn into water curtains

You may have heard of it,China has a tunnel with a total length of only 13.39 kilometers, but it took 14 years to complete,What's going on here?This tunnel is the Shanyang Tunnel of the Dali Ruili Railway,It is known as the most difficult railway tunnel for surrounding rock excavation in China, and sometimes even becomes a "water curtain tunnel",Causing headaches for engineers...

Four types of

Four types of "falling off the altar" household appliances are gradually fading out of Chinese households, and it is recommended to "stop losses in a timely manner"

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China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

China's richest woman replacement: She made her debut on the list, while Yang Huiyan's wealth significantly decreased and she ranked fifth

According to the Hurun Rich website, the Hurun Research Institute released the "2023 Beauty Club Hurun Women Entrepreneurs List" on November 14th, listing the top 50 women entrepreneurs on this year's Hurun Rich List. Among them, Kuang Xiaoqing, the wife of Sun Hung Kai founder Guo Desheng, saw her wealth rise by 2...

Apple wants to stop

Apple wants to stop "shake" advertising? The management of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has taken a step forward

It is reported that Apple has notified multiple top apps in China to remove gyroscope permissions, and the "shake and jump" ads are prohibited. The top app companies will release a new version in the future that cancels the "shake shake jump" advertising function...

This year's Double Eleven, with dismal performance, where should e-commerce practitioners go!

This year's Double Eleven, with dismal performance, where should e-commerce practitioners go!

The business performance of the Double Eleven Electric Company this year was indeed somewhat dismal, and there are mainly three reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, consumers prefer offline stores more...

Cainiao has officially launched the

Cainiao has officially launched the "Campus Carbon Asset Management System" in collaboration with nearly a hundred universities, allowing teachers and students to promptly check carbon reduction behaviors

On November 11th, the reporter learned that Cainiao, in collaboration with nearly a hundred universities across the country, has officially launched the "Campus Carbon Asset Management System". It has been successively implemented in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sichuan University, Tianjin University, Hangzhou Normal University, and other universities...

The preliminary selection of China's manned lunar rover scheme was announced Inspired by the bronze chariots and horses of the Terra Cotta Warriors

The preliminary selection of China's manned lunar rover scheme was announced Inspired by the bronze chariots and horses of the Terra Cotta Warriors

A few days ago, the China Manned Space Engineering Office released the preliminary selection results for the development plan of manned lunar rovers, and the development plan "Wangshu Chariot" led by Tsinghua University was selected.The Tsinghua University News Network publicly introduced the design concept and released the concept map...

WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

WeWork China declares that it has independently operated and managed, and will not participate in strategic restructuring

On November 7th, WeWork China recently released a statement stating that the significant strategic restructuring decision made by WeWork in the United States and Canada is not related to WeWork China.WeWork China emphasizes that it separated from WeWork as early as the end of 2020...

How many rolls are there in the LCD TV market? Why is the price so low?

How many rolls are there in the LCD TV market? Why is the price so low?

Do you still remember your first LCD TV? How many years ago was that? At that timeA LCD TV may cost you thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan, making it a luxury item for families.But now, LCD TVs have become standard equipment for household appliances, and their prices are becoming increasingly affordable...