Why would the discovery of life on Mars be

Why would the discovery of life on Mars be "bad news"?

writing|Laugh at the history of Yunyanedit|Laugh at the history of YunyanaboutMarsHuman beings have been speculating for a long time whether there is life. As early asnineteenth centuryaboutMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsNot suitable for long-term human habitation...

Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a

Former SpaceX executive: Immigration to Mars is just a "small goal" for Musk | Symbiosis Era Science Fiction Future

Cover News Reporter Bian Xue Intern Reporter Ma XiaoyuThis is a day that aviation enthusiasts will never forget.On April 20th Central Time, SpaceX's starship was launched into space but did not separate from the first stage rocket booster three minutes after liftoff as originally planned, and exploded and disintegrated in the air about four minutes later...

Curiosity is moving inside the Gail crater on Mars and has taken multiple photos of foreign objects. What exactly is it?

Curiosity is moving inside the Gail crater on Mars and has taken multiple photos of foreign objects. What exactly is it?

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

The farthest Mars this year is on the 18th of this month!

The farthest Mars this year is on the 18th of this month!

Wang Kechao, director of science popularization at the Zijinshan Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that Mars, the "neighbor" of the Earth, will move to the farthest position from the Earth in this rendezvous cycle on October 18. At that time, Mars will be approximately 2...

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? Media reports on the new discovery of the Zhurong account, with a year of silence and a last chance

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? Media reports on the new discovery of the Zhurong account, with a year of silence and a last chance

Did the Chinese Mars rover wake up? In July 2023, the news of a "new discovery of the Zhurong spacecraft" really caught the eye of many people. Has the Chinese Zhurong rover, which has been silent on Mars for a year, started a new job?At first glance, this is really good news...

Why Lemon Can Generate Electricity, What Does Mars Convenience Store Sell? Shanxi Science Popularization Event Full of Goods

Why Lemon Can Generate Electricity, What Does Mars Convenience Store Sell? Shanxi Science Popularization Event Full of Goods

Taiyuan, September 17 (Xinhua) (Reporter Fan Lifang) - Even electromagnetic wave communication between Earth and Mars traveling at the speed of light takes over 45 minutes to ask and answer questions; Adding white vinegar and edible alkali, purple cabbage juice can present different colors; Insert the copper and zinc strips connecting the wires into the lemon to generate electricitySeptember 17th is the 20th National Science Popularization Day, and this year's theme is "Improving the Scientific Quality of the Whole People to Help Science and Technology Self reliant and Strong".The 2023 Shanxi Provincial National Science Popularization Day event was launched at the Shanxi Provincial Science and Technology Museum...