Is global integrity the lowest in China? 14 universities' faculty and students self raised funds to overturn scientific journal papers

Is global integrity the lowest in China? 14 universities' faculty and students self raised funds to overturn scientific journal papers

For the honor of our motherland, we can conduct a replication experimentIn June 2019, Science published a study titled 'Global Citizen Integrity', which ranked China as the lowest out of 40 countries. The only criterion for measuring integrity is whether to contact the owner via email after picking up the wallet...

From now on, I will no longer use screensaver wallpapers! Because I found a better screensaver to use

From now on, I will no longer use screensaver wallpapers! Because I found a better screensaver to use

Screen saver refers to a program or animation that automatically starts when a computer is idle for a long time. At the beginning, the meaning of screen saver was to avoid screen damage caused by the same image being displayed on the screen for a long time (of course, this problem has been solved with the development of LCD monitors later)...

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9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

withdraw a contributionreal-time infoOfficial WeChatFor more exciting content, please contactPaper InformationIn December 2019, the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical UniversityEuropean review for formal and pharmaceutical sciences (Zone 3.3000/4)The title published online in the journal isEffectofatorvastatininpulmonaryarterialhypertensiinratthroughPI3K/AKTsignalingpathway(The effect of Atorvastatin on pulmonary hypertension in rats through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway)...

When ChatGPT participated in the Chinese college entrance examination and fed it the national A and B papers, it seriously deviated from the subject!

When ChatGPT participated in the Chinese college entrance examination and fed it the national A and B papers, it seriously deviated from the subject!

Author | PythonChatGPT, as an intelligent human-machine dialogue application, quickly became popular worldwide after its launch. In just one month, its user base has exceeded the 100 million mark...

GPT4, ERNIE Bot, iFLYTEK Spark and other Chinese and foreign models AI who scored the highest in writing the Shanghai college entrance examination papers?

GPT4, ERNIE Bot, iFLYTEK Spark and other Chinese and foreign models AI who scored the highest in writing the Shanghai college entrance examination papers?

Science and Technology Innovation Board Daily, June 7th (Reporter Huang Xinyi Intern Reporter Zhu Ling)Today, the 2023 college entrance examination officially begins. Among them, the Chinese language test papers in Shanghai adopt independent proposition...