Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology

Haier Smart Home: Empowering Comfortable Summer Life in South China with Smart Technology Summer brings high temperatures and humidity, posing various challenges for users in South China. From stuffy and hot indoor environments to clammy clothes and easily perishable food, finding ways to stay comfortable during the summer months has become a significant concern for many...

 Is It Necessary to Build the Chengdu-Yibin High-Speed Rail with the Existing Chengdu-Guiyang High-Speed Rail?

Is It Necessary to Build the Chengdu-Yibin High-Speed Rail with the Existing Chengdu-Guiyang High-Speed Rail?

Chengdu and Chongqing are the core cities of the Chengdu-Chongqing metropolitan area, one of China's four major urban agglomerations. Due to historical and geographical factors, the cities in the Sichuan Basin are naturally "siphoned" by the two municipalities...

Baidu's Wenxin Yanyi Launches Custom Voice Feature, Empowering Users with Personalized Interactions

Baidu's Wenxin Yanyi Launches Custom Voice Feature, Empowering Users with Personalized Interactions

In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) technology has berkembang pesat; as a leading AI platform, Baidu's Wenxin Yanyi is dedicated to providing users with innovative and personalized experiences. Recently, Wenxin Yanyi has launched an exciting new feature that allows users to customize their own voice in seconds...

Physical Retail's Resurgence: Rise of Malls with Annual Sales Exceeding 200 Billion Yuan

Physical Retail's Resurgence: Rise of Malls with Annual Sales Exceeding 200 Billion Yuan


Taobao Invests Heavily in Content E-commerce With 100 Billion Yuan

Taobao Invests Heavily in Content E-commerce With 100 Billion Yuan

Taobao has announced a significant investment in content e-commerce, with plans to allocate an additional 100 billion yuan in cash and 1 trillion yuan in traffic. The platform aims to partner with ecosystem partners, including broadcasters, influencers, agencies, brands, and merchants, to share in the benefits of content monetization...

Karamay, will it become the second jade gate?

Karamay, will it become the second jade gate?

More than one friend once asked me the same question, how many years can Karamay's oil be exploited?Oil is a non renewable resource, and it will be exhausted one day. If the oil is exhausted, will Karamay become an empty city like Yumen?Is everyone's concern unnecessary?Let's first take a look at how Yumen has gone from glory to decline step by step...

The most serious engineering mistake in the world, with huge costs but bad debts, China accounts for two

The most serious engineering mistake in the world, with huge costs but bad debts, China accounts for two

How astonishing is human intelligence and creativity?We can build skyscrapers that soar into the clouds, or build bridges that span the sea. We can transform nature and create miracles...

On the Double 11, the most authentic mobile phone sales came out: Xiaomi soared 43.7%, and Huawei also won win thoroughly!

On the Double 11, the most authentic mobile phone sales came out: Xiaomi soared 43.7%, and Huawei also won win thoroughly!

Which mobile phone brands are selling well this year's Double 11? We have already introduced that the biggest winners should be Xiaomi and Huawei. But some people online also question the fairness of statistics...

Tesla announces that the Cyberquad baby stroller will be re launched and has been recalled

Tesla announces that the Cyberquad baby stroller will be re launched and has been recalled

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportAccording to foreign media on November 16th, Tesla Children's Edition electric four-wheel car Tesla Cyber Quad recently announced its re launch in the United States, priced at $1900.It is reported that this electric toy was recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in October of the same year after its launch last year...

Amazon will officially close the e-book application Comixology on December 4th

Amazon will officially close the e-book application Comixology on December 4th

On November 16th, Amazon's e-book app Comixology announced that it will officially close the app on December 4th and require users to migrate to the Amazon Kindle platform.According to the announcement, after December 4th, all comics, comics, and graphic novels purchased or borrowed by users on Comixology will exclusively exist on the Kindle platform...

How important is astronaut Wang Yaping? Enjoy the treatment of a national second level security guard, and food cannot be consumed without inspection

How important is astronaut Wang Yaping? Enjoy the treatment of a national second level security guard, and food cannot be consumed without inspection

Before reading this article, we sincerely invite you to click to follow, so that you can have a better reading experience and participate in subsequent interactive exchanges.prefaceWang Yaping,,,,...

QQ announced that it will stop operating the group check-in function

QQ announced that it will stop operating the group check-in function

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On November 15th, QQ officially announced that it will stop operating the group check-in function on November 30, 2023.It is understood that this feature provides multiple options on the group check-in page, including default study check-in, work check-in, and self-study start...