Major breakthroughs have been made in China's four major fields, which are even more exciting than lithography machines. Now it's the turn of the United States to suffer

Major breakthroughs have been made in China's four major fields, which are even more exciting than lithography machines. Now it's the turn of the United States to suffer

Dear, originality is not easy. Could you please move your hands, like, forward, and comment on it? Thank you^-^The Light of Technology: China's Four BreakthroughsRecently, China has made remarkable technological breakthroughs in four major fields, which have not only attracted attention domestically but also globally...

OnePlus Mobile X on-site evaluation: hydrogen OS and quick and accurate photography review

OnePlus Mobile X on-site evaluation: hydrogen OS and quick and accurate photography review

Hydrogen OS: Interaction remains small and beautifulFarewell to the previous reliance on the system, OnePlus OS has gained its own recognition in the trend of flat UI, highlighting the small and beautiful life of OnePlus phones, and the overall experience is very lightweight.The main impressive features of the homepage of HydrogenOS are the hydrogen window and striped weather status bar that allow for photo replacement...

Why have Apple Store reviews repeatedly failed despite the reappearance of pornographic apps?

Why have Apple Store reviews repeatedly failed despite the reappearance of pornographic apps?

At the time of the release of the new device, Apple has once again sparked heated public discussion, and this time, the app store app is involved in pornography.Recently, a netizen discovered a pornographic app disguised as a learning app in the Apple App Store, which will be redirected to gambling and other pornographic websites...

Intel Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card launched globally simultaneously

Intel Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card launched globally simultaneously

On October 10th, Intel announced that its Ruixuan ArcA5808GB graphics card will be launched through global partners.It is reported that the Intel Ruixuan A580 graphics card adopts advanced technologies such as Intel Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) and hardware accelerated ray tracing, which are supported by AI...

On October 10th, thank you to China for generously donating and collaborating on the development of lithography machines! International news

On October 10th, thank you to China for generously donating and collaborating on the development of lithography machines! International news

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Zhang Ruiyong, Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was selected as

Zhang Ruiyong, Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, was selected as "Young Scientist of Marine Power" in 2023

On October 8, the award ceremony for the 2023 Search for Young Scientists of Marine Powerful Countries was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Researcher Zhang Ruiyong from the Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences was selected as a "Young Scientist of Marine Powerful Countries"...

The Apple Store is also involved in pornographic apps, and Steve Jobs once said,

The Apple Store is also involved in pornographic apps, and Steve Jobs once said, "It's our responsibility to keep iPhones away from pornography

Steve Jobs once said in response to consumer emails, "We believe that Apple has a moral responsibility to keep iPhones away from pornography, and those who want pornographic content should buy Android phonesAfter opening the learning software, it turned out to be a pornographic website. On October 7th, the entry "Apple Store is now using pornographic software disguised as learning software" appeared on Weibo hot searches...

China breaks through the blockade and receives a huge

China breaks through the blockade and receives a huge "gift" from Spain, which is as important as a lithography machine

The material of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Tokyo is no longer hot, Musk: Twitter Little Bluebird transforms into X-Men and destroys the global pornography industry

Tokyo is no longer hot, Musk: Twitter Little Bluebird transforms into X-Men and destroys the global pornography industry

The image of Little Blue Bird on Twitter has always been deeply ingrained in people's hearts. Suddenly, one day, Musk officially announced that the Twitter logo had been changed to "X", which caught many people off guard...

New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the

New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the "boredom" of entering a stable period in his career

Replay play 00:06 / 00:06 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos New Biography Reveals Secrets! Musk's acquisition of Twitter was purely due to the "boredom" of entering a stable period in his career...

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

On the evening of the 19th, can't you carry it anymore? The United States has officially announced a ban on lithography machines, while the Netherlands has sold me

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Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Response from China Academy of Electronics

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Response from China Academy of Electronics

Recently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...