Have worries come true now? 30 years ago, 9 experts refused to sign the Three Gorges consent form

Have worries come true now? 30 years ago, 9 experts refused to sign the Three Gorges consent form

Looking back 30 years ago, in order to build the Three Gorges Project, nine experts insisted on not signing the consent form regarding the impact and consequences of the project. Now, we cannot help but ask, have the concerns of those experts who refused to sign been fulfilled? In this article, we will explore the various impacts brought about by the construction of the Three Gorges Project and analyze whether these impacts are in line with the concerns of experts at the time...

The judges refuse to award the Nobel Prize to China? Ignoring China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemic

The judges refuse to award the Nobel Prize to China? Ignoring China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemic

The judges refuse to award the Nobel Prize to China? Ignoring China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemic. mp32:18From Xiaoping Ai InventoryNobel Prize judges overlook China's tremendous contribution in the fight against the epidemicOutstanding Achievements in Epidemic Prevention and Control in ChinaIn our countryFight against the COVID-19We have achievedA decisive victoryBecoming a global focusEpidemic prevention model...

Headline Evening News - Second C919 delivered; College students refuse to have sex after dating and are still detained

Headline Evening News - Second C919 delivered; College students refuse to have sex after dating and are still detained

At 8 o'clock in the morning and evening, make headlines and read newspapers>& Gt; LinkToday's Hot SpotsDelivery of the second domestically produced large aircraft C919Ma Ying jeou hosts a banquet to welcome Lu ShengtuanAre staff sending indecent messages in WeChat office groups? Interpretation by Network Security ExpertsGrabbing a child in a women's park? Police responseCollege students refuse to have sex after dating and are still detainedTyphoon "Taili" is strengthening and will make landfall along the coast of southern ChinaRepresentative suggests allowing postpartum placentas to be donated to pharmaceutical companies for drug productionDeep SelectionVirtual Shanhe University and Real Education DilemmaFrom Shanhe University to Zhang Xuefeng, behind the debate in July lies the most simple hope of the Chinese people - good education is to give people equal qualifications, and with hard work, they can earn a decent future.Capital type yogurt, young people are about to be unable to afford itThis year is known as the "first year of freshly made yogurt"...

9 years after Malaysia Airlines lost contact, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing

9 years after Malaysia Airlines lost contact, how are the families who refused to pay 2.52 million yuan in compensation doing

In 2014, Li Yanlin, a young man from Hebei, was sent by ZTE Company to Malaysia on a business trip.At 0:41 a...

Chinese elderly people invent a technology and refuse skyrocketing acquisitions three times, breaking through the monopoly and anti card measures of the United States

Chinese elderly people invent a technology and refuse skyrocketing acquisitions three times, breaking through the monopoly and anti card measures of the United States

Click to follow and not get lost, and I will continue to update you with more anecdotes and anecdotes. Your support is my greatest motivation!Text | The Story of Guatian LiEditor | Mu Yu Ji ShiIn 2019, at the London International Invention Exhibition in the UK, an unattractive elderly man led his project to winDouble Gold...

How are the families of Malaysia Airlines MH370 who refused 2.52 million compensation after losing contact for 9 years now?

How are the families of Malaysia Airlines MH370 who refused 2.52 million compensation after losing contact for 9 years now?

For your better reading and interactive experience, and for you to see more content in a timely manner, click "Follow" and we will update you with exciting stories and share different historical moments every day!It has been 9 years since Malaysia Airlines MH370 lost contact on March 8, 2014Time will dilute public memories, but for the families of passengers on the plane at that time, they will never forget that sad moment in their lifetime.After the loss of contact with Malaysia Airlines MH370, the airline negotiated with the families of the victims,Agree on a compensation of 2...

Foreign media: Germany may refuse to increase subsidies for Intel's factory construction

Foreign media: Germany may refuse to increase subsidies for Intel's factory construction

On June 12th, according to foreign media reports, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner recently stated that the budget cannot provide more funds to meet Intel's requirements. We are currently working to integrate the budget, rather than expanding it, "he said...