The admission standards for cultural and gaming categories released on video accounts are temporarily not open to influencers

The admission standards for cultural and gaming categories released on video accounts are temporarily not open to influencers

On October 21st, Tencent released targeted admission and clearance standards for the video account showcase and entertainment category. At present, this standard is only applicable to video account display merchants under the second level category "Calligraphy/Painting"...

Human trial of artificial uterus may be launched soon, experts say ethical standards for artificial uterus urgently need to be improved

Human trial of artificial uterus may be launched soon, experts say ethical standards for artificial uterus urgently need to be improved

The concept of an artificial uterus facility designed by science communicator Hashem Al Ghaili sparked heated discussions last December. Image/Visual ChinaThe journal Nature published a special report on September 14th, stating that human trials of artificial uterus may soon begin...

CRRC Wang Jun: From Products to Standards, CRRC's Journey to the Sea

CRRC Wang Jun: From Products to Standards, CRRC's Journey to the Sea

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn the morning of October 2nd, Indonesian President Joko announced the official opening of the Jakarta Wan high-speed railway at the Halim high-speed railway station in the capital Jakarta. Zoko said that the Yawan high-speed railway is the first high-speed railway in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, with a speed of up to 350 kilometers per hour, marking the further modernization of Indonesia's transportation industry...

The behavior of

The behavior of "big data killing" has been identified with detailed standards

How to refine the identification of monopolistic behaviors in the economic field of platforms such as "one out of two" and "big data killing" that are of social concern? On February 7th, the Anti Monopoly Commission of the State Council issued anti monopoly guidelines on the field of platform economy, and the responsible person of the Office of the Anti Monopoly Commission of the State Council interpreted the guidelines.How to identify "one out of two" and "big data killing"?The guide is fully based on law enforcement practice, actively responding to social concerns, and making special provisions for issues such as "one out of two" and "big data killing" that have been widely reflected in various aspects of society in recent years...

Apple will update iPhone 12 to address allegations of radiation exceeding standards in France: only testing protocol involved, no security issues present

Apple will update iPhone 12 to address allegations of radiation exceeding standards in France: only testing protocol involved, no security issues present

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:08 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos Apple will update iPhone 12 to address allegations of radiation exceeding standards in France: only testing protocol involved, no security issues present...

There are evaluation standards for the level of public ice and snow sports

There are evaluation standards for the level of public ice and snow sports

Harbin, July 21 (Reporter Chen Haibo)How about the technical level of amateur ice and snow sports enthusiasts? They can also conduct level evaluations like professional athletes. The State Administration of Market Regulation held a press conference in Harbin on the 21st, releasing 11 national standards for ice and snow sports...

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Strengthening the Formulation of Standards for the Electronic Information Industry

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Strengthening the Formulation of Standards for the Electronic Information Industry

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Cui Shuang) On June 16, the reporter learned from the 13th Electronic Information Industry Standards Promotion Conference that in 2022, the Electronic Information Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology organized the Standardization Technology Committee and relevant units to put forward 501 recommendations on recommended standards, promote the release and implementation of 168 standards, and the next step will focus on integrated circuits, advanced computing, ultra-high definition video, intelligent photovoltaic, new energy storage Guide relevant units to strengthen the layout and formulation of relevant key technical standards and basic contribution standards in key areas such as electronic materials and cross-border integration. This promotion meeting is sponsored by the China Electronics Industry Standardization Technology Association and the China Electronics Technology Standardization Research Institute...