Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Foreign media: Microsoft may launch its first artificial intelligence chip in November

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn October 7th, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft plans to release its first artificial intelligence chip at its annual developer conference in November this year.It is reported that this chip, codenamed "Athena", is similar to a NVIDIA graphics processor and can be used to train and run data center servers for large language models...

It's a pity that heaven envies talents! Cai Lei has prepared for his future affairs, and Liu Qiangdong's promise is heartwarming

It's a pity that heaven envies talents! Cai Lei has prepared for his future affairs, and Liu Qiangdong's promise is heartwarming

People say that the internet has memories. Those who are familiar with the internet will never forget that in the summer of 2014,There was a wave called the "Ice Bucket Challenge" on the internet, where everyone from ordinary people to internationally renowned celebrities actively posted videos of their own ice bucket challenges online...

CRRC Wang Jun: From Products to Standards, CRRC's Journey to the Sea

CRRC Wang Jun: From Products to Standards, CRRC's Journey to the Sea

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn the morning of October 2nd, Indonesian President Joko announced the official opening of the Jakarta Wan high-speed railway at the Halim high-speed railway station in the capital Jakarta. Zoko said that the Yawan high-speed railway is the first high-speed railway in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, with a speed of up to 350 kilometers per hour, marking the further modernization of Indonesia's transportation industry...

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

Institution: From January to August, mobile smart screens sold 66000 units online, with sales exceeding 280 million yuan

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On October 7, Lotu Technology released a research report on the mobile smart screen market from January to August 2023, which showed that the cumulative sales volume of China Mobile's smart screen online monitoring market (excluding Tiktok, Kwai and other content e-commerce) from January to August was 66000 units, the sales volume exceeded 280 million yuan, and the average price was 4242 yuan. E-commerce channels have become the main sales channel for mobile smart screens, accounting for over 60% of total channel sales, and some transactions also occur in operators and commercial channels...

The richest man also wants to

The richest man also wants to "brush rockets"? How much money does this thing burn?

Rocket enthusiasts must have heard that if you want to go into space, you really need the help of this hero. The man I want to introduce to you today also has a space dream...

In August, Apple led Huawei and Xiaomi in the online market of smart tablets in China, ranking second or third

In August, Apple led Huawei and Xiaomi in the online market of smart tablets in China, ranking second or third

According to the latest report released by Lotu Technology, the online sales of smart tablets in China in August 2023 were 1.02 million units, an increase of 18...

Chinese experts have made too many mistakes in predicting, which has made us very passive. The underlying reasons for these mistakes and solutions

Chinese experts have made too many mistakes in predicting, which has made us very passive. The underlying reasons for these mistakes and solutions

The misjudgment of Chinese experts has brought us a lot of passivity and errors in certain situations. There are some deep-seated reasons behind this phenomenon, and we need to recognize and solve these problems to avoid similar mistakes from happening again...

WeChat has an additional feature set up. If your girlfriend wants to delete and blackmail you, they must obtain your consent

WeChat has an additional feature set up. If your girlfriend wants to delete and blackmail you, they must obtain your consent

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Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a

Another historical breakthrough, China's space station conducts a "burning" experiment, and foreign media laments that the United States lost

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Another household air conditioner has fallen: it has been the top seller on the front line for three years, and now its market share is less than 8%

Another household air conditioner has fallen: it has been the top seller on the front line for three years, and now its market share is less than 8%

The works I posted on today's Headlines are all original and first-time. I refuse anyone to transfer them to other platforms for publication in any form...

Chinese robots are mobilizing!

Chinese robots are mobilizing!

Robots frequently appear at the Hangzhou Asian Games, exuding a sense of technology.On the field, cute robot dogs (quadruped robots) perform dances and transport discus...

Cryogenic solder paste technology is a major trend! Lenovo announces that it will make 80% of its equipment repairable

Cryogenic solder paste technology is a major trend! Lenovo announces that it will make 80% of its equipment repairable

For Lenovo, it has been promoting the environmental protection and maintainability of equipment, and the previous low-temperature solder paste process is a major measure.Previously, Wang Huiwen, Vice President of Lenovo Group and Chief Quality Officer of Computers and Intelligent Devices, stated that the adoption of low-temperature solder paste technology would be the trend in the electronic product manufacturing industry...