
Typhoon "Dussuri" Attacks Ningbo Coastal Waters and Enters Level IV Typhoon Protection

Ningbo, China Central Radio Network, July 23 (reporter Yu Ye, correspondent Zhang Jie) At 11:00 on July 23, the 5th typhoon of this year, "Du Surui", was located at 14.8 degrees north latitude and 128...

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the "eye of typhoon" for the first time

Article/Yangcheng Evening News All media reporter Peng Jining Correspondent Tan Yaoguang Xu JinlinThe reporter learned from the Jiangmen Meteorological Bureau that according to the requirements of the China Meteorological Administration and the provincial meteorological bureau that "fully recognize the important role and significance of the Shangchuan Island national weather test radar, do a good job in meeting the typhoon test, complete the radar monitoring test and upload the data to the network", under the remote guidance of the provincial meteorological bureau data center and the Shanwei radar experts, The monitoring data of Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar was successfully uploaded to the provincial meteorological bureau's business network for use by the provincial forecasters. At 8:00 on the 17th, the radar successfully captured the clear "typhoon eye" of Typhoon "Taili"...

Just now! Hainan issues a typhoon level 2 warning! Regular trains entering and exiting the island are scheduled to be suspended until the 21st

Just now! Hainan issues a typhoon level 2 warning! Regular trains entering and exiting the island are scheduled to be suspended until the 21st

Hainan Provincial Government at 16:00 on July 16thIssue Typhoon Level 2 WarningAt 14:00, the center of the No. 4 typhoon "Taili" (strong tropical storm) this year was located at 19...

Affected by typhoon, Shenzhen Observatory will be temporarily closed

Affected by typhoon, Shenzhen Observatory will be temporarily closed

On July 15th, the Shenzhen Astronomical Observatory issued a notice regarding the temporary closure of the Observatory. The original text is as follows:Dear citizens, due to the impact of Typhoon "Taili", the Shenzhen Observatory and the Observatory Plank Road will be temporarily closed from 12:00 on July 16, 2023...