Nenglian Smart Electric Appears at TheEVIS2023, Exporting Charging Service Solutions to the World

Nenglian Smart Electric Appears at TheEVIS2023, Exporting Charging Service Solutions to the World

On May 29th, Nenglian Smart Electric participated in the 2023 Abu Dhabi New Energy Electric Vehicle Exhibition (EVIS 2023), which is also one of the most influential new energy electric vehicle professional exhibitions in the Middle East region and even globally. As a representative of China's new energy charging service enterprise, Nenglian Intelligent Power showcases its charging service solutions to the world...

Leveraging the high-end field of medical equipment, Weimai Medical appears at the Zhongguancun Forum

Leveraging the high-end field of medical equipment, Weimai Medical appears at the Zhongguancun Forum

On May 25th, the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum, with the annual theme of "Open Cooperation and Shared Future", opened in Beijing. At the exhibition, domestically developed interventional surgical robots were unveiled through the "Green Channel" of the National Drug Administration...

Huawei Qingyun Appears at the 2023 Digital Expo: Efficient Holding of Huawei Qingyun G540 Empowerment Conference

Huawei Qingyun Appears at the 2023 Digital Expo: Efficient Holding of Huawei Qingyun G540 Empowerment Conference
