How dazzling is the sun captured by the

How dazzling is the sun captured by the "Xihe" spacecraft?

Recently, the Solar Science Data Center of Nanjing University released some observational data from the "Xihe" spacecraft.Xihe "is China's first solar exploration satellite launched on October 14, 2021...

Look! This is the sun captured by the Chinese people's own satellite

Look! This is the sun captured by the Chinese people's own satellite

Source: Xinhua News AgencyChina's first solar exploration satellite "Xihe" was launched on October 14, 2021. Over the past two years, the "Xihe" spacecraft has produced over 400TB of high-quality scientific data and a series of original scientific research achievements...

Ice City Customs Captures 4 Species and 32 Exotic Species in Living Scorpion Series for the First Time in China

Ice City Customs Captures 4 Species and 32 Exotic Species in Living Scorpion Series for the First Time in China

Source: China News NetworkOn the 10th, the Bingcheng Customs, affiliated with Harbin Customs, released information that the Bingcheng Customs Post Office intercepted 32 live scorpions of 4 species in incoming emails, marking the first time a Chinese port has intercepted them.Ice City Customs intercepted 32 live scorpions from 4 species of alien species...

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the

Jiangmen: Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar successfully captured the "eye of typhoon" for the first time

Article/Yangcheng Evening News All media reporter Peng Jining Correspondent Tan Yaoguang Xu JinlinThe reporter learned from the Jiangmen Meteorological Bureau that according to the requirements of the China Meteorological Administration and the provincial meteorological bureau that "fully recognize the important role and significance of the Shangchuan Island national weather test radar, do a good job in meeting the typhoon test, complete the radar monitoring test and upload the data to the network", under the remote guidance of the provincial meteorological bureau data center and the Shanwei radar experts, The monitoring data of Shangchuan Island National Weather Test Radar was successfully uploaded to the provincial meteorological bureau's business network for use by the provincial forecasters. At 8:00 on the 17th, the radar successfully captured the clear "typhoon eye" of Typhoon "Taili"...

How does the

How does the "Crystal ball" buried 700 meters underground capture the magic Neutrino? Ask to the end

Source: CCTV News ClientEvery moment, our bodies are penetrated by tens of thousands of 'invisible substances', yet we are completely unaware of their existence. These "stealth matter" is one of the most basic particles in the material world: Neutrino...