A Comprehensive Analysis of Huagong Technology: A Leader in Laser Welding for AskM9 and Beyond

A Comprehensive Analysis of Huagong Technology: A Leader in Laser Welding for AskM9 and Beyond

AskM9, a model from the Seres brand, boasts a range of advanced features, including the Huawei Intelligent Cockpit and Intelligent Driving system. However, one of its most impressive aspects is its use of laser welding technology provided by Huagong Technology...

Pinduoduo released 11.11 data: Over 40 categories have doubled, with a 10 billion yuan increase in subsidy orders, a year-on-year increase of 107%

Pinduoduo released 11.11 data: Over 40 categories have doubled, with a 10 billion yuan increase in subsidy orders, a year-on-year increase of 107%

On November 13th, Pinduoduo November 11th ushered in a truly fragrant ending, with a record high number of brands, merchants, and products participating in the platform's promotion. More than 40 sub categories such as agricultural products, domestic products, and global good goods achieved double growth, with a year-on-year increase of 107% in the number of 10 billion subsidy orders...

Enable more Chinese enterprises to make good use of industrial software, and release the Industrial Software Ecological Platform by Hikvision

Enable more Chinese enterprises to make good use of industrial software, and release the Industrial Software Ecological Platform by Hikvision

During the 6th China International Import Expo, Hexconn also ushered in a "new moment". The Hexconn X Huixin All Intelligent IImake industrial software ecological platform made its debut in the "New Product Collection" and completed its first meeting with a large number of Chinese customers...

This year's Double Eleven, with dismal performance, where should e-commerce practitioners go!

This year's Double Eleven, with dismal performance, where should e-commerce practitioners go!

The business performance of the Double Eleven Electric Company this year was indeed somewhat dismal, and there are mainly three reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, consumers prefer offline stores more...

After 17 years of construction, the Three Gorges Dam has accumulated 1.8 billion tons of sediment. What will be the ultimate consequences?

After 17 years of construction, the Three Gorges Dam has accumulated 1.8 billion tons of sediment. What will be the ultimate consequences?

According to calculations, the average annual sediment inflow of the Three Gorges Reservoir is500 million tonsAround, that's already built17 yearsIsn't the Three Gorges already silted up and silted up8500 million tons.What are the consequences of so much sediment accumulation, and how does the Three Gorges Reservoir remove sediment?Consequences of Three Gorges SiltationSince the planning of the Three Gorges Dam, there have been mixed reviews and criticisms, with water conservancy experts being the most concerned among themProfessor Huang WanliObjection, heOppose the construction of the Sanmenxia Dam and the Three Gorges Dam...

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, has published a paper.On November 4th local time, the DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, released a paper titled "Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Pathto AGI", proposing a clearer definition of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and developing an AGI classification framework similar to the L1-L5 level of autonomous driving...

Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn Terry Gou counterattacks! What is your intention to announce the cancellation of all overtime after clarifying the rumors?

Foxconn was previously exposed to investigation by two major departments. Firstly, the tax department conducted tax inspections on its enterprises in Guangdong and Jiangsu; Secondly, the Ministry of Natural Resources conducted on-site investigations on Foxconn's land use in Henan, Hubei, and other areas...

Sacrifice too much! Why was the astronaut's face swollen and carried away after leaving the spacecraft after the return of God Sixteen?

Sacrifice too much! Why was the astronaut's face swollen and carried away after leaving the spacecraft after the return of God Sixteen?

The Great Contribution of Astronauts: The Cost and Achievements of Exploring the UniverseThe exploration of the universe by humans has always been a fascinating topic.Whether it's the lunar landing program, the International Space Station, or recent space exploration missions, the mysteries of the universe attract scientists and astronauts to conduct countless experiments and explorations one after another...

A product that has been phased out for a long time in China has become popular throughout Africa. Black people: such a good thing doesn't need to be

A product that has been phased out for a long time in China has become popular throughout Africa. Black people: such a good thing doesn't need to be

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The siltation of the Three Gorges has become a problem, and the price of river sand in China is skyrocketing. Why not let people dig it up?

The siltation of the Three Gorges has become a problem, and the price of river sand in China is skyrocketing. Why not let people dig it up?

Shen Yan CaseThe article was originally created and published by the headline of the Shen Yan case. Please do not plagiarize or reprint itIn the construction market,The price of inconspicuous sand in the river channel once skyrocketedAlso known asSoft GoldHas become an important scarce resource in China...

It's no use cherishing memories. The withdrawal of six types of household appliances from the market has become a foregone conclusion. After seeing their shortcomings, I understand

It's no use cherishing memories. The withdrawal of six types of household appliances from the market has become a foregone conclusion. After seeing their shortcomings, I understand

Some things are eliminated and we want to say 'good', but some things are eliminated and we feel regretful.But nostalgia is also useless...

Why does the Qinghai Tibet Railway use an American locomotive to reach Golmud? Can't domestic ones be used?

Why does the Qinghai Tibet Railway use an American locomotive to reach Golmud? Can't domestic ones be used?

#The Challenge of Creating Flowers with Wonderful Writing#Before reading this article, please click on theFollowIt not only facilitates your discussion and sharing, but also brings you a different sense of participation. Thank you for your support!The American traveler once wrote in his travels: "As long as there are Kunlun Mountains, the railway will never reach LhasaLater on, the Qinghai Tibet Railway in China was opened, and the train crossed the Kunlun Mountains and shuttled through the snow peaks in Lhasa...