Apple 4G patent infringement case rejected in UK appeal faces $7 billion in compensation

Apple 4G patent infringement case rejected in UK appeal faces $7 billion in compensation

On July 5th, according to foreign media reports, the British appeals court rejected Apple's appeal, claiming that Apple's iPhone and iPad devices violated two 4G communication patents of the US patent company Optis. Therefore, Apple still needs to pay $7 billion in compensation...

Is 24GB storage really necessary? Xiaomi's victory will solve another pain point

Is 24GB storage really necessary? Xiaomi's victory will solve another pain point

BINGBIAN Lesions (Original Version) - Subi+Fi9+Younglife.mp34:02From Green Head Monster TechnologyRecently, the 24GB storage of the Red Devil 8Spro has become popular throughout the digital community, causing a lively discussion...