2023 CIIE | HTC Vice President Huang Zhaoying: Creating XR products requires both hardware and software

2023 CIIE | HTC Vice President Huang Zhaoying: Creating XR products requires both hardware and software

We believe that if we consider the entire metaverse as the next generation of the internet, the current applications are still far from enough, "said Huang Zhaoying, HTC's Senior Vice President and Global Sales and Marketing Director, in an indirect interview with reporters during the China International Fair.According to the latest data from IDC's global AR/VR headphone quarterly tracking report, the global AR/VR headphone shipment in Q2 2023 decreased by 44...

Nuclear radiation exceeds 1000 times the limit! Class 1 carcinogen! Both Dalian and Shenyang have been seized

Nuclear radiation exceeds 1000 times the limit! Class 1 carcinogen! Both Dalian and Shenyang have been seized

On October 22, the customs released a WeChat official account and reported that:Recently, the customs of Dalian Zhoushuizi Airport, under the jurisdiction of Dalian Customs, triggered an alarm when an incoming passenger passed through the fixed nuclear radiation monitoring door of the customs while supervising incoming flights.After on-site customs review, the passenger carried a bag of "health stones" with excessive nuclear radiation, with a radiation level of 105 microsieverts per hour, exceeding the on-site background value by 1050 times...

AI+AR, fitness and entertainment are both compatible! Weima brings new technological gameplay

AI+AR, fitness and entertainment are both compatible! Weima brings new technological gameplay

Reported by Yang Xiaoling, a journalist from Volkswagen Network, in WeifangAs the competition day approaches, let's unveil this mysterious veil together!Leading the way in the virtual human arena, technology empowers high-quality event servicesOn the eve of the start of "Weima", the mysterious "Ge Xiaobao" virtual human will also appear. Utilizing advanced motion capture technology, the sports version of "Ge Xiaobao" will bring exciting performances on the central large screen of Goethe Future Exploration Center...

If you choose air conditioning again, it is recommended to listen to these suggestions, which are both convenient to use and do not waste too much money

If you choose air conditioning again, it is recommended to listen to these suggestions, which are both convenient to use and do not waste too much money

Andy, a writer/home appliance evaluatorFor everyone, when choosing electricity, everyone will be particularly cautious. After all, electricity represents a major expense and is also a durable item,So whether the purchase is appropriate is not only related to the investment cost, but also to the user experience...

Tragedy! Winner and runner up in the US flight competition, both killed in an air collision

Tragedy! Winner and runner up in the US flight competition, both killed in an air collision

Source: Reference Information NetworkReported by Reference News on September 19thAccording to the Associated Press on September 18th, last weekend, two veteran pilots won the championship and runner up respectively at the US National Air Racing Championships held in the north of Reno, Nevada. Their World War II aircraft collided in mid air while preparing to land, resulting in their tragic deaths...


Dajiang: "Headquarters relocation to Xi'an, Shaanxi" and "withdrawal from the US market" are both rumors

Da Jiang: "The headquarters will be relocated to Xi'an, Shaanxi" and "exiting the US market" are all rumors. According to Cailian News Agency on September 18, in response to online rumors such as Da Jiang's headquarters being relocated to Xi'an and exiting the US market, On September 18th, Zhang Xiaonan, spokesperson for DJI News, responded to reporters: "DJI's global headquarters are located in Shenzhen, Guangdong, and there are currently no plans to relocate to Xi'an, Shaanxi...

It's changed! Both the abbreviation and full name are it!

It's changed! Both the abbreviation and full name are it!

Recently, a notice of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the modification of the abbreviation has aroused heated debate.The notice stated: "Both the full name and the short name of our academy are 'Chinese Academy of Sciences'...