Curved Screen Phones: A Stylish Trap or a Practical Nightmare?

Curved Screen Phones: A Stylish Trap or a Practical Nightmare?

Curved Screen Phones: A Stylish Trap or a Practical Nightmare?Looking at the painful crack on his phone screen, Mr. Zhang fell into deep thought...

Is a curved screen better or a straight screen better? Insiders teach you how to make a choice when purchasing a new phone

Is a curved screen better or a straight screen better? Insiders teach you how to make a choice when purchasing a new phone

Curved and direct facing screens have always been controversial topics in mobile phone design. With the continuous development and popularization of technology, hardware manufacturing technologies such as cameras, CPUs, memory, and batteries are relatively stable and difficult to attract consumers' attention again...

Why does Apple never use curved screens, while Android becomes a treasure? The answers from insiders are very realistic

Why does Apple never use curved screens, while Android becomes a treasure? The answers from insiders are very realistic

Preface:Why does Apple never use curved screens, while Android becomes a treasure? As a digital expert, I would like to explore this issue from multiple perspectives, analyze the differences in screen design between Apple and Android phones, and possible reasons.Firstly, we need to be clear that Apple has never truly adopted curved screens...

Should I choose a straight screen or a curved screen when buying a mobile phone? An article tells you the difference between the two

Should I choose a straight screen or a curved screen when buying a mobile phone? An article tells you the difference between the two

Looking at the current mobile phone market, only Apple is still insisting on only making straight screen phones. Other Android brands, such as Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi, OPPO, vivo, Honor, and so on, have taken the path of having straight and curved screens, and tend to leave curved screens to their high-end flagship...