The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The founder of Google DeepMind proposed a universal artificial intelligence rating, and ChatGPT is just a beginner

The DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, has published a paper.On November 4th local time, the DeepMind research team led by Shane Legg, co-founder of Google DeepMind, released a paper titled "Levels of AGI: Operationalizing Progress on the Pathto AGI", proposing a clearer definition of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and developing an AGI classification framework similar to the L1-L5 level of autonomous driving...

ChatGPT's First Year: Ambition, Strategy, and Difficulties | TECHTUESDAY

ChatGPT's First Year: Ambition, Strategy, and Difficulties | TECHTUESDAY

2009 4 Paul Graham 24 Sam AltmanGoogle Loopt YC OpenAI 11 OpenAI ChatGPT 11 6 OpenAI OpenAI ChatGPT AppOpenAI 900 200 ChatGPT 2023 AI AI SalesforceAI AdobeAI Instagram GPU ChatGPT AI OpenAI ChatGPT ChatGPT 9 ChatGPT 0.025% TCS ChatGPT ChatGPT 17 ChatGPT GPT 3...

Former Apple employees develop screen free AI hardware products that can run GPT-4

Former Apple employees develop screen free AI hardware products that can run GPT-4

On October 30th, according to foreign media, Humane, a smart software and consumer device developer jointly founded by two former Apple employees, will release its first product, AiPin, which has been developed for several years. This device is about the size of a biscuit and is equipped with a camera, microphone, speaker, sensor, and laser projector, but does not have a screen and can be magnetically fixed to clothes, It is a wearable device based on clothing...

Tsinghua version of AutoGPT on the GitHub Hot List! Easy to handle complex tasks and able to train models on your own

Tsinghua version of AutoGPT on the GitHub Hot List! Easy to handle complex tasks and able to train models on your own

The West Wind Originates from Aofei TempleQuantum bit | official account QbitAITsinghua KaiyuanUniversal agent XAgent, making it onto the GitHub Hot List and grabbing 1400+Can perform various tasks using Python to analyze given data and complete them in minutes:Math problems are also difficult:Compiling a list of the most influential psychological books and providing a brief summary of each book is even more important:(All translations in the above figure are machine translations)Through the display, it can be seen that XAgent will analyze and gradually provide answers when answering questions, which is specifically designed by the development teamDouble circulation mechanism.XAgent...

CHATGPT: Let's take a look at the sentence by sentence analysis of artificial intelligence on

CHATGPT: Let's take a look at the sentence by sentence analysis of artificial intelligence on "Luochahai City"

The lyrics of 'Luochahai City' are full of humor, exaggeration, and satire. The following is Chatgpt's analysis of each lyrics:26000 miles eastward from the Kingdom of RakshaLuochaguo is a fictional place that stretches 26000 miles to the east, describing it as remote and mysterious...

Wenxin large models 4.0 was officially released, Robin Lee: the comprehensive level is no inferior to GPT-4

Wenxin large models 4.0 was officially released, Robin Lee: the comprehensive level is no inferior to GPT-4

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On the morning of October 17, at the 2023 Baidu World Conference, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, announced the official release of Wenxin large models 4.0, opening the invitation test...

Tested ChatGPT strongest plugin: 0 experience, 5 minutes to develop game

Tested ChatGPT strongest plugin: 0 experience, 5 minutes to develop game

Cressi originates from the Temple of AofeiQuantum bit | official account QbitAIWith ChatGPT's latest code interpreter, you can create a game in 5 minutes!This is not nonsense, a blogger has already released a demo:This is a game that uses space as the background and allows spacecraft to strike asteroids.The effect was still very impressive, some netizens praised the GPT-4+code interpreter=ChatGPT-4...

ChatGPT passed the Chinese Medical Practising Medical license exam with high scores. Is AI going to treat you in the future?

ChatGPT passed the Chinese Medical Practising Medical license exam with high scores. Is AI going to treat you in the future?

Chao News Client Reporter Zhang Miao, Zhu Ping, Correspondent Fang Xu, Zhu JunjunCan you imagine being treated by an artificial intelligence robot in the future?It is not a rare scene in science fiction movies. It seems that there are more and more possibilities to become a reality...

One article teaches you to understand the working principle of the GPT model

One article teaches you to understand the working principle of the GPT model

AIAIAIChatGPTAIChatGPTGPTGPTOpenAIGPTGenerative Pre-trained Transformer2021GPTAzure OpenAIGPT-3GPT-3GPT-3few-shotGPT-3.5ChatGPTGPT-4GPTGPTnOpenAIGPTWeanthropomorphizingChatGPTOpenAITokenizer[1]GPT-3CodexGPT-3OpenAItiktoken[2]PythonOpenAIdavinciGPT-3UIimport tiktoken# davinci GPT3r50k_baseencoding = tiktoken...

In the GPT era, searching for the computing power fulcrum of the iFlytek Spark model

In the GPT era, searching for the computing power fulcrum of the iFlytek Spark model

The emergence of large models is still ongoing.At the Zhongguancun Forum held at the end of May, experts revealed that 79 large-scale models with parameters above 1 billion in China had been released, and another batch of large-scale models were released in bulk at the recently concluded World Artificial Intelligence Conference...

When ChatGPT participated in the Chinese college entrance examination and fed it the national A and B papers, it seriously deviated from the subject!

When ChatGPT participated in the Chinese college entrance examination and fed it the national A and B papers, it seriously deviated from the subject!

Author | PythonChatGPT, as an intelligent human-machine dialogue application, quickly became popular worldwide after its launch. In just one month, its user base has exceeded the 100 million mark...

GPT-4 hybrid large model? Research has proven that MoE+instruction tuning does indeed outperform large models

GPT-4 hybrid large model? Research has proven that MoE+instruction tuning does indeed outperform large models

Machine Heart ReportEditor: Xiaozhou, Chen PingGoogle, UC Berkeley, and others have proven that MoE+instruction tuning has worked 1+1> The effect of 2.Since the introduction of GPT-4, people have been amazed by its powerful emergence ability, including excellent language comprehension, generative ability, logical reasoning ability, and so on...