A Steel Dragon Crossing Mountains and Rivers - Inventory of Key and Difficult Projects of Yawan High Speed Railway

A Steel Dragon Crossing Mountains and Rivers - Inventory of Key and Difficult Projects of Yawan High Speed Railway

Original Title: Steel Dragon Crossing Mountains and Rivers - Inventory of Key and Difficult Projects of Yawan High Speed RailwayThe Yawan High Speed Railway, which connects Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, with Bandung, the capital of West Java Province, officially opened on the 2nd. This "steel giant dragon" that travels through mountains and rivers on Java Island has once again polished the golden business card of "China's high-speed rail"...

Design of Tunnel in the Public Rail Joint Construction Section of Jinan Yellow River Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Expansion Project

Design of Tunnel in the Public Rail Joint Construction Section of Jinan Yellow River Highway Bridge Reconstruction and Expansion Project

Wu Tao, Luan Shaohua, Guo Yongfei, Zang ShaoningShandong Provincial Transportation Planning and Design Institute Group Co., Ltd...

Eight projects in Baoshan District were selected for the fourth batch of Shanghai high-tech achievement transformation projects in 2023

Eight projects in Baoshan District were selected for the fourth batch of Shanghai high-tech achievement transformation projects in 2023

The list of the fourth batch of high-tech achievements transformation projects in Shanghai in 2023 has been announced recently. Eight projects in Baoshan District have been selected, involving new materials, advanced manufacturing and automation, electronic information and other technological fields...

Japan High tech Expo focuses on digital rural cities

Japan High tech Expo focuses on digital rural cities

This is an exhibit from Mitsubishi Corporation captured on the Media Guide Day of the High tech Expo held in Chiba, Japan on October 16th. The 2023 Japan High tech Expo opened on the 17th at the Muzhang International Convention and Exhibition Center in Chiba Prefecture...

G6 high-resolution new display printing equipment assembly completed

G6 high-resolution new display printing equipment assembly completed

Significant achievements have been made in the research and development of high-resolution new display printing equipment in China. On October 18th, the G6 high-resolution new display printing equipment was officially assembled in Wuhan...

Realize localization! High performance and large area boron carbide thin film for neutron detectors successfully developed in China

Realize localization! High performance and large area boron carbide thin film for neutron detectors successfully developed in China

The reporter learned from the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences that recently, the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) detector team successfully prepared high-performance and large-area boron carbide film samples to meet the needs of neutron detectors by using the self-developed special device for magnetron sputtering large-area boron plating, and realized the localization of key technologies and devices of neutron detectors.With the upcoming launch of the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) Phase II project, the proposed neutron spectrometer urgently requires new neutron detectors with large area, high efficiency, and position sensitivity...

The fifth episode of

The fifth episode of "The Road to Prosperity" titled "Journey to the New" will be aired tonight with highlights to watch first

Jointly build the "the Belt and Road", and the concept of green development is deeply rooted in people's hearts.Jointly build the "the Belt and Road", and digital technology opens a new life...

What a tragedy! A woman in Taiyuan has suffered quadriplegia due to picking up a delivery, and Cainiao Station may face high compensation!

What a tragedy! A woman in Taiyuan has suffered quadriplegia due to picking up a delivery, and Cainiao Station may face high compensation!

Nowadays, online shopping can be said to have fully covered our daily lives. With the sharp increase in express delivery volume, a third-party service station has emerged, namely Cainiao Station...

High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum Held in Beijing, Jointly Exploring New Industrial Paths

High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum Held in Beijing, Jointly Exploring New Industrial Paths

Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Sun JieAccelerate the construction of a manufacturing powerhouse, what are high-end equipment enterprises for? On October 13th, the 2023 High end Instrument and Meter Innovation and Development Forum was held in Beijing. More than 270 academicians, industry experts, and business representatives focused on the opportunities and challenges faced by Chinese enterprises, conducting in-depth exchanges on topics such as the development of high-end instrument technology and high-quality manufacturing industry, and jointly exploring new paths for the integrated development of high-end, green, and intelligent industries...

Major breakthrough! China's first localization of high-performance liquid rubber

Major breakthrough! China's first localization of high-performance liquid rubber

Source: [People's Daily]People's Daily, Guangzhou, October 13th (Pu Xinyu) According to Sinopec Maoming Branch (hereinafter referred to as "Maoming Petrochemical"), recently, Maoming Petrochemical's 5000 ton/year liquid rubber plant successfully produced qualified products - liquid rubber for high-frequency copper clad panels. The device adopts technology independently developed by Beijing Research Institute of Chemical Industry of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation...

Inspur Haiyue Software Appears at the Leaders' Summit of Multinational Companies, Helping the High Quality Development of the Digital Economy

Inspur Haiyue Software Appears at the Leaders' Summit of Multinational Companies, Helping the High Quality Development of the Digital Economy

From October 10th to 12th, the 4th Qingdao Summit of Multinational Corporation Leaders, jointly hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and the People's Government of Shandong Province, was held, and Wei Daisen, Vice President of Inspur Group, was invited to attend.As a key carrier of information technology and a key link for industrial integration, software is the foundation of the development of the digital economy and the core support for enterprise digital transformation...

Foreign media: ByteDance, more than directors transferred to TikTok's US market, highlighting the control of the Chinese parent company

Foreign media: ByteDance, more than directors transferred to TikTok's US market, highlighting the control of the Chinese parent company

According to a recent report by the Wall Street Journal, since the beginning of this year, more than ByteDance executives have been transferred to TikTok's US market to take charge of the important business of this popular short video application in Europe and the United States. Some of the executives were directly transferred from Beijing to the United States...