The highest honor! China Chang'e-5 team won international awards

The highest honor! China Chang'e-5 team won international awards

Source: China Economic Network WeChatRecently, NASA announced that at the 74th International Astronautical Congress, the Chinese Chang'e-5 team won the Lawrence Team Award, which is the highest team honor of the International Academy of Astronautics and Astronautics. At this conference, the National Space Administration announced that the Chang'e-5 lunar research sample will be open for international application, and scientists from all countries are welcome to study together and share the results...

Three phones approaching

Three phones approaching "perfection" in 2023, with strong configuration, good hand feel, low price, and a high-end experience

Nowadays, the functions of mobile phones are very complete, but there may be differences in basic configurations. In order to focus on one configuration, another configuration will be appropriately weakened...

What are the highlights of the third phase expansion project of Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport, which is expected to be fully put into operation in October next year?

What are the highlights of the third phase expansion project of Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport, which is expected to be fully put into operation in October next year?

This holiday, thousands of workers were working on the construction site of the third phase expansion project of Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport in Gansu, rushing to meet the schedule. What is the current construction progress of the Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport Phase III expansion project? What are the highlights?Reporter Wang Yan from the headquarters:I am currently at the site of the Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport Phase III expansion project, which is only over 900 meters away from the original airport in a straight line...

Hundreds of freshwater dolphin corpses have emerged from the Amazon River, suspected to be related to extreme drought and high temperatures

Hundreds of freshwater dolphin corpses have emerged from the Amazon River, suspected to be related to extreme drought and high temperatures

Last week, about 120 floating bodies of freshwater dolphins appeared in a tributary of the Amazon River in Brazil. Experts suspect that the cause of freshwater dolphin death may be related to extreme drought and high temperatures...

China unexpectedly laid tracks on the sea and opened its first cross sea high-speed railway. By 2035, it will take the high-speed railway to Taiwan!

China unexpectedly laid tracks on the sea and opened its first cross sea high-speed railway. By 2035, it will take the high-speed railway to Taiwan!

China unexpectedly laid tracks on the sea and opened its first cross sea high-speed railway. By 2035, it will take the high-speed railway to Taiwan Wav5:10From a wealthy job offerPreface:In 2035, high-speed rail will directly reach Taiwan, and this seemingly distant dream is rapidly becoming a reality...

The trend of

The trend of "trendy and cool shopping" promotes a high level of consumer popularity

Our reporter Wu WeiqunGenshin Impact Baobao and Tang Feng IP "Shangguan Damei" went through together, and the gallery and the secret room theater "went out of the circle" simultaneously one day....

Suzhou Weige Technology Phase II Laying the Foundation! Will delve deeply into the fields of high-purity gas equipment and pan semiconductor equipment

Suzhou Weige Technology Phase II Laying the Foundation! Will delve deeply into the fields of high-purity gas equipment and pan semiconductor equipment

recentlyWeige Technology Phase II Foundation Laying and Phase I Relocation CeremonySuccessfully held in Suzhou Industrial ParkWeige TechnologyWeige Technology200520Weige Technology10030This project is located north of Tingtao Road and east of Xinglong Street, covering an area of15 acresTo the east is the production base of Weige Phase I, which has already been put into operation. This new project includes a research and development and production base of 30000 square meters, including the building area of the headquarters research and development building19803...

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Is the domestic lithography machine factory located in Xiong'an? Clarification from the Chinese Academy of Electronics: This is the Beijing High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Light Source

Source: Pengpai NewsRecently, a piece of news has been widely circulated on major video platforms, stating that the Tsinghua University EUV project has made ASML lithography machines huge and achieved the localization of lithography machines. It also stated that this project has been implemented in Xiong'an New Area...

The section of Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai on G331 is planned to open by the end of the year

The section of Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai on G331 is planned to open by the end of the year

The section of Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai on G331 is planned to open by the end of the yearDaily Gansu News on September 17thAccording to the Lanzhou Evening News, on September 14th, at the construction site of the Dahuo project of the Provincial Transportation Investment Company in Mazhuanshan, Jiuquan, workers were working hard to complete the final construction of protective fences against strong winds of level four.The starting point of the G331 Dandong Altay Highway from Dahongshan to Horezadgai section is located in Dahongshan, connecting with the Inner Mongolia section of G331, and ending at Horezadgai, connecting with the Xinjiang section of G331...

IPhone 15 frenzy, with a record high number of bookings, why consumers can't stop

IPhone 15 frenzy, with a record high number of bookings, why consumers can't stop

IPhone 15 frenzy, booking numbers set a new high, why consumers can't stop. mp34:28Fun stories from daily lifeWhen Apple released iPhone 15, the booking door opened shortly after...

Behind the proliferation of high-speed apps

Behind the proliferation of high-speed apps

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Technology empowers high-quality development of cultural industries

Technology empowers high-quality development of cultural industries

Reporter Yang Xue from our newspaperOn September 15th, the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum held a parallel forum on "Technology Empowerment: Development Opportunities and Risk Response". The theme of this forum is "Technological Innovation Shaping New Energy for Cultural Development"...