After Huawei's breakthrough, China's confidence

After Huawei's breakthrough, China's confidence


One second, one kilometer! Huawei's latest black technology: full liquid cooling and overcharging (with a list of concept stocks attached)

One second, one kilometer! Huawei's latest black technology: full liquid cooling and overcharging (with a list of concept stocks attached)

On October 5th, Cailian News Agency reported that during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday in 2023, the 318 Sichuan Tibet Online is experiencing the busiest period of self driving traffic this year. Whether to get a charging station has become a very important issue for car enthusiasts...

Global Technology Morning Post | Intel Reveals that Microsoft will launch Windows 12; Nature survey: Only 4% of scientists believe that AI is a

Global Technology Morning Post | Intel Reveals that Microsoft will launch Windows 12; Nature survey: Only 4% of scientists believe that AI is a "necessity"; Japan is about to release AIGC's developer regulatory guidelines; Meta pays creators millions of dollars to build AI chat robots; Prada to Design a New Generation Space Suit fo

Reporter: Wen Qiao Editor: Lan SuyingMonday, October 9, 20231. Intel Reveals Microsoft Will Launch Windows 12, Stimulating PC Upgrade DemandAccording to Intel, there will be a "Windows Update" in 2024 to stimulate PC generation demand, hoping to increase its revenue...

Renting Bridesmaids

Renting Bridesmaids "Causes Controversy: Don't Look at New Careers with Old Eyes

Zhang Shuyu (Jinggangshan University)According to Southern Metropolis Daily, post-90s Shenzhen cross-border e-commerce worker Xiao Liu indirectly received two orders for "bridesmaids for rent" during the National Day holiday, one from Guangzhou and the other from Meizhou. Renting bridesmaids "is a new buzzword, with festive National Day and long holidays, making it an excellent date for many newlyweds to get married...

LangChain Big Model Application Development Guide - AI New Capabilities Derived from Big Models

LangChain Big Model Application Development Guide - AI New Capabilities Derived from Big Models

Last class,I introduced the three core concepts of Chain,Agent,and Callback in LangChain,using traditional application programming design patterns and thinking as the entry point and comparison object. I also organized the capabilities and tools that LangChain has built-in for many developers...


AI "Tour Guide", AI Commentator, AI Referee... Inventory the Five "Blackest" Technologies of the Asian Games

Compared to previous Asian Games, the Hangzhou Asian Games is likely to be the smartest, "said Vinod, Acting Director General of the Asian Olympic Council, in a media interview.The Hangzhou Asian Games officially closed on the evening of October 8th...

After 8 years of employment, Xiaomi Partner and Senior Vice President Zhang Feng will resign, and everyone's electrical department will be reorganized

After 8 years of employment, Xiaomi Partner and Senior Vice President Zhang Feng will resign, and everyone's electrical department will be reorganized

Lei Diwang Lotte October 8thZhang Feng, a partner and senior vice president of Xiaomi Group, as well as the president of Dajia Electric Department, will resign after completing the handover of work in December 2023. Xiaomi's internal email stated that Zhang Feng's resignation was due to personal reasons...

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

FRB20200317A! The first rapid radio burst discovered by a local unit in Guizhou!

Source: Guizhou DailyRecently,The astronomical data processing team led by Professor Xie Xiaoyao from Guizhou Normal University at the Key Laboratory of Information and Computational Sciences in Guizhou Province has discovered a new case of rapid radio burst named FRB20200317A using China's Tianyan FAST.The relevant results were released to international peers on September 23, 2023 through the Astronomer's Telegram...

The Apple Store is also involved in pornographic apps, and Steve Jobs once said,

The Apple Store is also involved in pornographic apps, and Steve Jobs once said, "It's our responsibility to keep iPhones away from pornography

Steve Jobs once said in response to consumer emails, "We believe that Apple has a moral responsibility to keep iPhones away from pornography, and those who want pornographic content should buy Android phonesAfter opening the learning software, it turned out to be a pornographic website. On October 7th, the entry "Apple Store is now using pornographic software disguised as learning software" appeared on Weibo hot searches...


The "Golden Week" of the Mid Autumn Festival National Day has come to an end, and China Southern Airlines has reached a historic high in the number of passengers transported in Kyrgyzstan

The eight day Mid Autumn and National Day Double Festival "Super Long Golden Week" has come to an end. The reporter learned from the Jilin branch of China Southern Airlines that from September 29th to October 6th, China Southern Airlines implemented 862 inbound and outbound flights in the Jilin region, ensuring the smooth travel of 117000 passengers, an increase of 12...


2023 "Science is also an idol" short video solicitation activity officially launched online voting

2023 "Science is also an Idol" Short Video Solicitation ActivityReceived over 2200 submissions in totalPreliminary evaluation669 works have been shortlisted for online votingFrom today to October 16thSocial public can click2023 "Science is also an Idol" Theme Work Online VotingEnter the voting pageVote for your favorite workVoting periodUsers can cast 10 votes per dayCan vote continuously on the same workYou can also vote separately for different works in different groupsMake science "trendy" and create new idols of the timesWhat are you waiting for? Hurry up and participate in the votingLet's take a video and see how trendy science isListen to what scientists sayAnd vote for the work that most touches youIt is strictly prohibited to swipe tickets in any way during this voting activityOnce verifiedThe organizer will clear invalid votesAnd reserve the right to cancel the selected works as appropriate*The organizer will not demand voting support or advertising under any pretext. Please do not trust text messages or phone calls from unknown channels to avoid fraud...

Huawei has politely declined Foxconn's OEM request and decided to hand over the mobile phone OEM order to BYD

Huawei has politely declined Foxconn's OEM request and decided to hand over the mobile phone OEM order to BYD

Huawei announced that they politely declined Foxconn's request for OEM and decided to hand over the phone OEM order to BYD. This decision not only deeply regrets Foxconn, but also has caused shock in the technology industry...