From exhibits to products, CIIE helps medical device enterprises quickly land in the Chinese market

From exhibits to products, CIIE helps medical device enterprises quickly land in the Chinese market

In Hall 7, its theme is the Medical Devices and Healthcare Exhibition Area, which is also one of the few exhibition areas at this year's CIIE that can showcase the synergy of the industrial chain.It is understood that during the CIIE, Yum! Medical Group signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Medtronic to deepen cooperation on the full range of ultrasound products, providing more comprehensive and accurate integrated diagnosis and treatment solutions for clinical practice...

Yonghe Medical: According to the authorization for share repurchase, it is proposed to repurchase up to 10% of the total number of shares in the company

Yonghe Medical: According to the authorization for share repurchase, it is proposed to repurchase up to 10% of the total number of shares in the company

On October 26th, the Yonghe Medical Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced that, depending on market conditions, the company may repurchase its issued ordinary shares from the market in accordance with the repurchase authorization granted by the company's shareholders at their annual general meeting held on June 16, 2023.According to the share repurchase authorization, the maximum number of shares allowed to be repurchased by the company is 52708041, accounting for 10% of the total number of shares held on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on the 2023 annual general meeting...

Yonghe Medical: According to the authorization for share repurchase, it is proposed to repurchase up to 10% of the total number of shares in the company

Yonghe Medical: According to the authorization for share repurchase, it is proposed to repurchase up to 10% of the total number of shares in the company

On October 26th, the Yonghe Medical Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced that, depending on market conditions, the company may repurchase its issued ordinary shares from the market in accordance with the repurchase authorization granted by the company's shareholders at their annual general meeting held on June 16, 2023.According to the share repurchase authorization, the maximum number of shares allowed to be repurchased by the company is 52708041, accounting for 10% of the total number of shares held on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on the 2023 annual general meeting...

Former Vice President of Capital Medical University, Academician Wang Songling, appointed as the Dean of the School of Medicine at Southern University of Science and Technology

Former Vice President of Capital Medical University, Academician Wang Songling, appointed as the Dean of the School of Medicine at Southern University of Science and Technology

The website of the School of Medicine of South University of Science and Technology recently updated that Wang Songling, an academician of the CAS Member and a member of the academic department of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, has been appointed as the dean of the School of Medicine of South University of Science and Technology.Wang SonglingWang Songling19621989Wang Songling24916720032010William J...

Walking with the Nobel Prize, Shenji illuminates

Walking with the Nobel Prize, Shenji illuminates "dopamine" medical treatment with colorful light

Winners (Image source: Nobel Prize website)abstractAt around 17:45 Beijing time on October 4th, the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was announced.Three American scientists, MoungiG Bawendi (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Louis E Bruce (Columbia University) and Alexei I Ekimov (Quantum Crystal Technology Company)Received an honor in recognition of their contributions to the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots...

Former Vice President of JD, Cai Lei, prepares for his death and is deceived into 8 million yuan for medical treatment: I can fully accept death

Former Vice President of JD, Cai Lei, prepares for his death and is deceived into 8 million yuan for medical treatment: I can fully accept death

In 2019, at the age of 41, Cai Lei was in his prime,He is currently serving as the Vice President of JD, one of the three major e-commerce platforms in China. He was also the President of the Internet plus Finance and Taxation Alliance, and the first domestic electronic invoice...

ChatGPT passed the Chinese Medical Practising Medical license exam with high scores. Is AI going to treat you in the future?

ChatGPT passed the Chinese Medical Practising Medical license exam with high scores. Is AI going to treat you in the future?

Chao News Client Reporter Zhang Miao, Zhu Ping, Correspondent Fang Xu, Zhu JunjunCan you imagine being treated by an artificial intelligence robot in the future?It is not a rare scene in science fiction movies. It seems that there are more and more possibilities to become a reality...

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

withdraw a contributionreal-time infoOfficial WeChatFor more exciting content, please contactPaper InformationIn December 2019, the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical UniversityEuropean review for formal and pharmaceutical sciences (Zone 3.3000/4)The title published online in the journal isEffectofatorvastatininpulmonaryarterialhypertensiinratthroughPI3K/AKTsignalingpathway(The effect of Atorvastatin on pulmonary hypertension in rats through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway)...

New breakthroughs in the development of medical micro nano robots

New breakthroughs in the development of medical micro nano robots

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Li Liyun) A reporter recently learned from Harbin Institute of Technology that a water simulating bear insect medical micro nano robot jointly developed by researchers from Harbin Institute of Technology and Harbin Medical University has preliminarily realized controllable movement in the high-speed flow environment of venous blood, and can stay in venous blood flow for more than 36 hours.The relevant research results were recently published online in the latest issue of "Progress in Science"...

Jilin Medical College and Lanyang Technology jointly build an internship and employment base

Jilin Medical College and Lanyang Technology jointly build an internship and employment base

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn May 29th, Lanyang (Ningbo) Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Lanyang Technology") signed a contract with Jilin Medical College to establish an internship and employment base at Jilin Medical College, which will jointly promote the cultivation of future oriented technology talents.Lin Zijie, Deputy General Manager of Lanyang Technology, stated that in the three years since its establishment, Lanyang Technology has grown into a leading provider of immersive liquid heat dissipation overall solution technology services in the industry, achieving miniaturized electronic equipment immersive liquid heat dissipation...

Leveraging the high-end field of medical equipment, Weimai Medical appears at the Zhongguancun Forum

Leveraging the high-end field of medical equipment, Weimai Medical appears at the Zhongguancun Forum

On May 25th, the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum, with the annual theme of "Open Cooperation and Shared Future", opened in Beijing. At the exhibition, domestically developed interventional surgical robots were unveiled through the "Green Channel" of the National Drug Administration...