Can virtual digital people replace live streamers?

Can virtual digital people replace live streamers?

With the help of AI technology, digital human virtual anchors are rapidly heating up. During the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day this year, many "digital people" anchors quietly took up their posts and continuously broadcasted 24 hours a day, attracting many late night party members to place irrational orders...

3D printed tumor models assist in developing complex cancer treatment plans

3D printed tumor models assist in developing complex cancer treatment plans

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 16 (Xinhua) - An international research team published a paper in the new issue of the British journal Nature, stating that they have developed a 3D modeling method by combining biological 3D printing technology with microfluidic chip technology, which helps to more accurately understand complex cancers such as heterogeneous tumors and explore better treatment options.Heterogeneous tumors refer to tumors with more than one type of cancer cell, usually dispersed in unpredictable patterns...

TikTok e-commerce is banned in Indonesia: When social and e-commerce are

TikTok e-commerce is banned in Indonesia: When social and e-commerce are "cut off," is Southeast Asia still an ideal place for e-commerce to go overseas?

Reporter: Wang Ziwei Editor: Liu XuemeiThe ban on TikTok e-commerce in Indonesia has caused uproar.According to public reports, at the end of September, Indonesian President Joko Widodo officially banned direct sales transactions on social media platforms like TikTok at a cabinet meeting, and stated that the regulation would be incorporated into the revised Indonesian Ministry of Trade Regulation No...

The back of Putin's plane hides confidential equipment, and our C929 will also replace Boeing's plane in the future

The back of Putin's plane hides confidential equipment, and our C929 will also replace Boeing's plane in the future

The specifications of Putin's visit to China this time are not low, except for the five Il-76s that stood in front of him on the 15th. Lavrov and Putin both flew two Il-96 special planes one before and one after...

Four Mantou and one piece of cabbage for plane meal? China Southern Airlines responded

Four Mantou and one piece of cabbage for plane meal? China Southern Airlines responded

Recently, the online celebrity "Brother Feng fled to the ends of the world" sent a microblog roast that the plane meal on a flight of China Southern Airlines was four Mantou and one piece of cabbage, plus a small packet of mustard tuber. This microblog triggered a heated discussion among netizens, and many netizens left messages saying "too shabby"...

Hangzhou Jiangnan Science City conceptual plan released, focusing on extremely weak magnetic field large scientific installations

Hangzhou Jiangnan Science City conceptual plan released, focusing on extremely weak magnetic field large scientific installations

The Hangzhou High tech Zone (Binjiang) Science and Technology Innovation Conference held on October 16th released the "Conceptual Plan for Hangzhou Jiangnan Science City". The Jiangnan Science City is located on the south bank of the Qiantang River and is led by the "Very Weak Magnetic Field Large Science Device", with a planned area of 37 square kilometers...

Baidu Intelligent Transportation

Baidu Intelligent Transportation "China Plan" Appears at ITS World Congress

Replay suspend 00:06 / 00:11 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos The "ACE Intelligent Transportation Engine 3.0" intelligent transportation solution exhibited by Baidu Intelligent Transportation at Booth BA05 in Hall B1 of Suzhou International Expo Center has attracted industry attention in recent days...

The 1000P Artificial Intelligence Public Computing Center is planned to be launched next year

The 1000P Artificial Intelligence Public Computing Center is planned to be launched next year

Joining hands with the "national team" and "main force" in the construction of "Digital China", gathering the advantageous resources of central enterprises, Beijing Yizhuang is accelerating the construction of a global digital economy benchmark city pilot zone. Recently, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone held talks with China United Network Communication Group Co...

Sino foreign director co creation plan | the world's southernmost hydropower station

Sino foreign director co creation plan | the world's southernmost hydropower station

Replay suspend 00:05 / 07:26 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos The Girsa Hydropower Project in Argentina,It is a hydroelectric power station located at the southernmost point in the world.More than 100 kilometers away from the project is the Moreno Glacier,There are only three in the worldOne of the glaciers whose total area is still growing...

Cloud viewing platform | Immersive check-in! The first international airport invested and operated by a Chinese enterprise overseas

Cloud viewing platform | Immersive check-in! The first international airport invested and operated by a Chinese enterprise overseas

On the morning of October 16, 2023 local time, with the first inbound passenger plane landing smoothly on the apron, Cambodia's Siem Reap Angkor International Airport (SAI) was officially put into operation.Cambodia Siem Reap Angkor International AirportSiem Reap Angkor International Airport is the first international airport implemented by a Chinese enterprise overseas in a "BOT model"...

Microsoft Announces Cloud Native Application Platform radius

Microsoft Announces Cloud Native Application Platform radius

On October 19th, the Microsoft Azure incubation team announced the launch of the cloud native application platform radius, which can help developers and businesses create, deploy, and manage cloud based applications.It is reported that radius is an open source project that supports deploying applications across private clouds, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services, and will support more cloud providers in the future...

NASA claims to have first discovered evidence of silica in the atmosphere of exoplanets

NASA claims to have first discovered evidence of silica in the atmosphere of exoplanets

Xinhua News Agency, Los Angeles, October 16 (Reporter Tan Jingjing) - NASA released a statement on the 16th that researchers found evidence that the atmosphere of an exoplanet in the solar system is mainly composed of silica and extremely small quartz crystals through analysis of the observations of the James Webb Space Telescope. This is the first discovery of silica "traces" in the atmosphere of exoplanets, which helps to understand how clouds around exoplanets form and evolve...