G6 high-resolution new display printing equipment assembly completed

G6 high-resolution new display printing equipment assembly completed

Significant achievements have been made in the research and development of high-resolution new display printing equipment in China. On October 18th, the G6 high-resolution new display printing equipment was officially assembled in Wuhan...

Burning 100 million yuan a day, Indonesian express companies almost replaced the Three Links and One Delivery! But unfortunately, it was banned by the entire industry

Burning 100 million yuan a day, Indonesian express companies almost replaced the Three Links and One Delivery! But unfortunately, it was banned by the entire industry

In the era of the Internet, there are many companies that have come from behind to take the lead. JD...

Overseas brand Lalamove Lu Jiapei with over 12.2 million platform users

Overseas brand Lalamove Lu Jiapei with over 12.2 million platform users

On October 18, Lu Jiapei, chief operating officer of the overseas brand Lalamove, introduced at the sub forum of "high-quality co construction of the 'the Belt and Road'" that Lalamove operates independently overseas under the brand of Lalamove, and expands the market along the "the Belt and Road". Now, like the "the Belt and Road" initiative, Lalamove's journey to the sea has entered its tenth year...

Microsoft Announces Accessibility Update for Xbox and PC Players

Microsoft Announces Accessibility Update for Xbox and PC Players

On October 18th, Microsoft announced that it will provide players on Xbox consoles and Windows PCs with a series of auxiliary feature updates, including using controllers to remap keyboard keys, more accessible auxiliary shortcuts, and updates in the Microsoft Store.Players can now place their console in pairing mode using Xbox media remote control, digital assistant voice commands, or previously paired controllers in comfortable places such as sofas, wheelchairs, and hospital beds to connect the new controller to their console, "Microsoft explained...

The coal seam is as thick as 1 kilometer and extends for thousands of kilometers! Is the world's largest coalfield actually formed by plants?

The coal seam is as thick as 1 kilometer and extends for thousands of kilometers! Is the world's largest coalfield actually formed by plants?

The world's largest coalfield - the Appalachian coalfield - is remarkable for its huge reserves and important position. This coal field is located in the Appalachian Mountains of the northeastern United States, with an area of 179700 square kilometers, equivalent to a medium-sized province...

Expert team from Shenzhen People's Hospital completed a research project, adding new evidence to the cardiovascular hazards of microplastics

Expert team from Shenzhen People's Hospital completed a research project, adding new evidence to the cardiovascular hazards of microplastics

Source: China Food NewsMicroplastics that penetrate through every pore can invade human systems such as circulation, digestion, respiration, and reproduction, leading to imperceptible adverse consequences. A research project completed by a team of cardiologists from Shenzhen People's Hospital on the toxic effects of exposure to polystyrene microplastics on blood vessels has for the first time confirmed that microplastics can induce chronic inflammatory reactions in the body, leading to the occurrence and development of vascular calcification...

 Picture News  In the hangar of China Eastern Airlines Technology Gansu Branch,

Picture News In the hangar of China Eastern Airlines Technology Gansu Branch, "Aircraft Doctor" replaces the engine for the Airbus A320


Number one in the country! In 2022, the revenue of Guangdong's ultra high definition display industry exceeded 600 billion yuan

Number one in the country! In 2022, the revenue of Guangdong's ultra high definition display industry exceeded 600 billion yuan

In 2022, the revenue of Guangdong's ultra high definition display industry exceeded 600 billion yuan, ranking first in the country. On October 11th, the 2023 Lingnan Science Forum series of activities, "Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area Ultra High Definition Display Industry Technology Summit Forum," organized by the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Optoelectronic Technology Association, was held at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center...

Assist in the construction of a digital Suzhou Xijiao Liverpool University supercomputing platform for use

Assist in the construction of a digital Suzhou Xijiao Liverpool University supercomputing platform for use

After nearly a year of preparation and construction, the supercomputing platform of Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University has officially started operation recently, providing stable and efficient computing power support services to all university researchers, meeting the demand for computing power in multiple research fields of the university, and assisting the development of university research.It is reported that the platform adopts advanced CPU and GPU heterogeneous computing architecture...

The retired A380 of China Southern Airlines has been exposed internally, residing in the desert of the United States, and comes with a few months old plane meal as a bonus

The retired A380 of China Southern Airlines has been exposed internally, residing in the desert of the United States, and comes with a few months old plane meal as a bonus

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Suspected human remains have been found and a salvage plan is being developed | Follow up on Han Ting's underwater loss of contact

Suspected human remains have been found and a salvage plan is being developed | Follow up on Han Ting's underwater loss of contact

Source: Guangxi News ChannelThis morningUnderwater intelligent robots begin to operate in the Jiudun overflow skylight groupConduct underwater rescueThe maximum depth of the robot into the water is 300 metersIt is understood that this afternoon, the underwater intelligent robotAbout 110 meters underwaterSearch for targets with suspected human remainsThe search and rescue team is developing further salvage plansOn the morning of October 8th, a report was received from the public stating that renowned diver Han Ting was diving through the skylight in Jiudun, Daxing Town, Du'an Yao Autonomous County on the evening of October 7th. He did not disembark until 11:00 am on the 8th and was suspected to have lost contact...

Our country's first! Plan to deploy the South China Sea seabed

Our country's first! Plan to deploy the South China Sea seabed

On October 10th, at the press conference on the achievements of the "Hailing Plan" of the South China Sea Neutrino Telescope at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Li Zhengdao Research Institute officially released the blueprint for the "Hailing Plan". This projectWe will explore the construction of China's first deep-sea neutrino telescope to explore the extreme universe by capturing high-energy (sub TeV to PeV level) celestial neutrinos...