How to prevent security risks in the era of large models

How to prevent security risks in the era of large models

Our special correspondent to Wuzhen& Nbsp; Liu& Nbsp; Yang& Nbsp; Li XuanminWith the continuous popularity of generative artificial intelligence models represented by ChatGPT, global technology companies and research institutions are laying out their own large models. The rapid development of generative artificial intelligence and large models has also brought new challenges to network security...

People living alone have a higher risk of cancer, and it is recommended to do these things well

People living alone have a higher risk of cancer, and it is recommended to do these things well

Some people say that living alone is a kind of advanced freedom: you can choose what you like to eat without worrying about others' tastes; When sleeping, change positions without worrying about crowding; You can go out or stay at home as long as you likeIn fact, living alone can also bring some negative effects, in addition to being lonely, it is also not conducive to physical health. Studies have shown that people living alone may have a higher risk of cancer death...

The largest lighting study to date shows that exposure to more light at night increases the risk of depression by 30%

The largest lighting study to date shows that exposure to more light at night increases the risk of depression by 30%

Science and Technology Daily reporter Liu XiaAustralian scientists have conducted the largest lighting study to date, with a survey of 87000 participants found that exposure to more light at night increases the risk of mental illnesses such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as self harm. The study also found that exposure to more light during the day can serve as a non pharmacological means to reduce the risk of mental illness...

Alibaba Cloud Chief Risk Officer Zheng Junfang: Standardizing Data Governance with the Rule of Law

Alibaba Cloud Chief Risk Officer Zheng Junfang: Standardizing Data Governance with the Rule of Law

On October 12th, the 18th United Nations Internet Governance Forum Data Governance and Rule of Law Guarantee Sub Forum was held in Kyoto, Japan. This sub forum is hosted by the National Internet Information Office and attended by representatives of relevant United Nations agencies, the China Institute of Information and Communications, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University, and other institutions and organizations...

Exposure to more light at night increases the risk of depression by 30%

Exposure to more light at night increases the risk of depression by 30%

Science and Technology Daily, Beijing, October 11th (Reporter Liu Xia) - Australian scientists have conducted the largest lighting study to date. A survey of 87000 participants found that exposure to more light at night increases the risk of mental illnesses such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as self harm...

Popular science toys may hide health risks, experts remind: choosing the right toy can avoid risks

Popular science toys may hide health risks, experts remind: choosing the right toy can avoid risks

Changsha Evening News All Media Reporter Xu Yuan Intern Zhang LuDuring the National Day holiday, I purchased several sets of science toys to help my children play with their phones less at home. "During the recent holiday, the science toy that combines education and entertainment received a wave of hot sales...

The latest research result from a Canadian research team: This weight loss drug increases the risk of pancreatitis by 900%!

The latest research result from a Canadian research team: This weight loss drug increases the risk of pancreatitis by 900%!

The internationally renowned medical journal "Journal of the American Medical Association" published an article on weight loss drugs on the 5th, introducing the latest research results of a researcher. The research results have poured cold water on the currently popular GLP-1 type of weight loss drugs...

What is the risk of being caught by exposing the new

What is the risk of being caught by exposing the new "prostitution technology"?

This is the fourth science popularization story I have toldEditor | Come on, Salt KPExpose new "prostitution catching technology"What is the risk of you being caught?That's what the editor is going to give you today for science popularizationIn our country, prostitution is explicitly prohibited by lawBut there are still many people who disregard the authority of the lawTaking a desperate risk and choosing to go whoringThe current regulatory authorities have developed high-tech "prostitution arrest" technologyIf you also choose to touch the law with a try mentalitySo the next person to be arrested is likely to be youNext, the editor will introduce a set of comics to everyoneA new "new technology for catching prostitution"Article Special StatementThis article is based on a scientific and rigorous attitude to provide you with knowledge related to science popularization, with no other purpose. Please read this article rationally and make civilized comments...

US regulatory agencies are taking action for the first time! OpenAI officially investigated by FTC: generating false information poses risks

US regulatory agencies are taking action for the first time! OpenAI officially investigated by FTC: generating false information poses risks

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) may investigate OpenAI, the developer of the Chatbot ChatGPT, on consumer protection issues.On July 13 local time, CNN reported that the Federal Trade Commission of the United States was investigating whether OpenAI violated consumer protection laws, and asked OpenAI to provide a large number of records about the possibility of its processing personal data, providing inaccurate information to users, and "the risk of damage to consumers (including reputation damage)"...

United Nations agencies say the continued outbreak of avian influenza poses a risk to humans

United Nations agencies say the continued outbreak of avian influenza poses a risk to humans

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, July 12 (Reporter Wang Qibing) - Three United Nations agencies jointly released a press release on the 12th, stating that avian influenza has erupted in multiple parts of the world. Although it mainly affects poultry, wild birds, and some mammals, it still poses a continuous risk to humans...

Reminder: Binding bank cards on WeChat may also pose serious security risks! Look early, avoid early!

Reminder: Binding bank cards on WeChat may also pose serious security risks! Look early, avoid early!

With the continuous development of the Internet, WeChat has also entered our lives and become an irreplaceable communication tool. It is precisely because WeChat is very convenient that both men, women, and children can easily control it...


The "China Initiative" triggered the cicada effect! More than 70% of Chinese scientists are fearful, and everyone is at risk

The ruling career of former US President Trump is highly controversial. Due to its crude diplomatic approach, it not only tore up Iran's nuclear agreement, but also launched a trade war against China, and even targeted European allies, leading to a deterioration of European American relations...