Apple has replaced the charging interface, but your Type-C cable may still not be usable

Apple has replaced the charging interface, but your Type-C cable may still not be usable

The newly released iPhone has finally changed its interface.In 2022, the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favor of making Type-C a mandatory universal charging port for various consumer devices by 2024...

Overturning or really fragrant? A brief review of cheap domestic  14 9 electric Type-C fast charging screwdriver for single drying

Overturning or really fragrant? A brief review of cheap domestic 14 9 electric Type-C fast charging screwdriver for single drying

Tony's Buy family's daily routineThe cheap domestic electric screwdriver, which was popular in the fleet this month, was finally delivered this morning. Hurry up and unpack the box for the brothers in the group to make a list...

Released in September, iPhone 15 revealed configuration parameters, including not only type-C and A17, but also expensive prices

Released in September, iPhone 15 revealed configuration parameters, including not only type-C and A17, but also expensive prices

The iPhone 15 series will be released in September this year, and suppliers are also supplying Apple. TSMC is also working hard...