Domestic nuclear magnetic resonance instruments begin mass production, and the monopoly pattern of imports will be broken

Domestic nuclear magnetic resonance instruments begin mass production, and the monopoly pattern of imports will be broken

Source: [People's Daily Health Client]According to CCTV News on July 22, the nuclear magnetic resonance instrument led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology has been successfully developed and has begun mass production. This instrument can obtain the whole body image of the human body, which not only improves the resolution, but also accelerates the imaging speed...

Tailing has released a luxury electric vehicle with a range of 2023, featuring a rugged and imposing design, high-definition instruments, and a range of over 100 kilometers

Tailing has released a luxury electric vehicle with a range of 2023, featuring a rugged and imposing design, high-definition instruments, and a range of over 100 kilometers

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