Can you tell all your secrets through just one WeChat account? I'll tell you

Can you tell all your secrets through just one WeChat account? I'll tell you

In the era of social media, people are increasingly relying on various social platforms to share their lives and interact with others. WeChat, as one of the most popular social applications in China, has a large number of users and rich functions...

In 2018, Jack Ma promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters. Is that just empty talk?

In 2018, Jack Ma promised to plant 100 million trees, but now the trees are only 40 centimeters. Is that just empty talk?

Before reading this article, please click on 'Follow' to facilitate your discussion and sharing, as well as let me understand your needs. Thank you for your support!In the years after Jack Ma promised to plant trees,When many tourists pass Alxa, they will stop to see the recent situation of the "forest" in the Ant Forest...

On the morning of June 30th, just now, there were four good news and new breakthroughs in Chinese technology

On the morning of June 30th, just now, there were four good news and new breakthroughs in Chinese technology

If you like it, you can click on the word "Follow" above. Let's pay attention to the development of Chinese technology together!Upon waking up, brushing my phone, and seeing four new breakthroughs in China's technology field, I am truly refreshed and excited!First: It took 3 years! China's first digital twin intelligent scientific research experimental ship "Dolphin 1" sets sail for the first timeAccording to CCTV News, China's first digital twin intelligent research test ship "Dolphin 1" was delivered and made its maiden voyage at Yantai Penglai Port today, sailing from Penglai to Qingdao...

It turns out that deleting WeChat Moments is so simple. Just click here and you can quickly delete the ones from a few years ago

It turns out that deleting WeChat Moments is so simple. Just click here and you can quickly delete the ones from a few years ago

How can I delete content posted on my Moments? Hello friends, I am Xiaojun. When we play WeChat, we often share some updates and happy things through our social media...

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

Zhou Yuan, CEO of Zhihu, said that the anonymity function will be adjusted: Name calling and rumors are not welcome in the community

On June 22nd, Tech Planet reported that Zhou Yuan, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Zhihu, responded to the controversy over Zhihu's anonymous feature on his Moments and stated that he would make adjustments to the feature in the near future. "Zhihu accepts criticism, and the community remains open to discussions about Zhihu...

After Alibaba announced the adjustment, the photos of Jack Ma and Zhang Yong were exposed (group photo)

After Alibaba announced the adjustment, the photos of Jack Ma and Zhang Yong were exposed (group photo)

On June 20, Sanyan Technology reported that Alibaba announced today that Joseph Tsai, the executive vice chairman of Alibaba Holding Group, will serve as the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Holding Group with the approval of the board of directors of Alibaba Holding Group; Wu Yongming served as the CEO of Alibaba Holdings Group and continued to serve as the Chairman of Taotian Group.Zhang Yong will step down as the Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Holdings Group on September 10th this year...