Experts at Zhongguancun Forum discuss: Chinese path to modernization needs more new entity enterprises

Experts at Zhongguancun Forum discuss: Chinese path to modernization needs more new entity enterprises

Recently, at the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum - New Entity Enterprise Forum, many experts and enterprise representatives conducted in-depth discussions on the path of new entity enterprises to help build a modern industrial system in the context of Chinese path to modernization."From the perspective of effect, new physical enterprises have played a positive role in promoting digital integration...

Astronaut Zhu Yangzhu, born after the 16th and 85th year of the Shenzhou era: In his doctoral thesis, he humbled himself by saying

Astronaut Zhu Yangzhu, born after the 16th and 85th year of the Shenzhou era: In his doctoral thesis, he humbled himself by saying "no material can fill the sky" and finally pursued the wind and went into space

Jimu News Reporter Zhang QiDo we actually have astronauts in Peixian? They're so amazingAstronaut Zhu Yangzhu's hometown, Peixian County, Jiangsu Province, is located on the banks of Weishan Lake. Before the news of Zhu Yangzhu entering space as a Shenzhou 16 astronaut was released, one million people in Peixian County did not know that a space hero had emerged from their hometown...

The digital economy has become the

The digital economy has become the "main track" of industrial development

Our reporter Wu Chunxin intern Zhang Yuting"To grasp the opportunities of digital economy in the competition among big countries, we must make great efforts in 'hard conditions' and' soft technology ', respect the creativity of enterprises, activate their' sense of mission ', let digital technology serve high-quality development, and help thousands of industries transform and upgrade." On May 22, nearly 20 experts and scholars, including Yang Weimin, vice president of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, Liu Jingnan, academician of the CAE Member Provide suggestions and suggestions for the digital economy from multiple dimensions such as platform enterprise development...

Your next phone may be in the 'cloud'

Your next phone may be in the 'cloud'

Cloud phones migrate all local storage, computing, and rendering to the cloud by virtualizing the mobile operating system on the cloud. The operating system and various applications run on the cloud to achieve hardware and performance decoupling...

World's largest onshore impeller diameter wind turbine offline

World's largest onshore impeller diameter wind turbine offline

Science and Technology Daily News (Reporter Li Liyun): According to Mingyang Group, the MySE10.X-23X onshore wind turbine independently developed by Mingyang Intelligent officially went offline on May 26th...

Boosting high-level innovation with high-quality science popularization (Innovation Talk)

Boosting high-level innovation with high-quality science popularization (Innovation Talk)

In the era of knowledge economy, the innovation level of a country is increasingly dependent on the general improvement of the scientific literacy of the entire population. The level of science popularization in a country is increasingly affecting its creativity and soft powerDuring the 2023 National Science and Technology Week, various regions held a series of colorful activities around the theme of "loving science and advocating science", including science train tours, science popularization explanation competitions, and science experiment exhibitions...

Commercial operation of domestic large aircraft by Civil Aviation of China officially starts

Commercial operation of domestic large aircraft by Civil Aviation of China officially starts

Beijing, May 28th (Reporter Qiu Chaoyi, Shen Wenmin): According to China Eastern Airlines Group Co., Ltd...

Lei Jun win thoroughly, the top three of the 618 best sellers, and the champion reduced the price by 1000 yuan, 5500mAh+1400nit

Lei Jun win thoroughly, the top three of the 618 best sellers, and the champion reduced the price by 1000 yuan, 5500mAh+1400nit

The 618 event has officially started, but as it has not yet reached the 618 day, many mobile phone manufacturers have started pre-sale mode to determine phone sales through pre-sales. Then, on the final day of sale, they will offer discounts and promotions on their phones...

Huawei Qingyun Appears at the 2023 Digital Expo: Efficient Holding of Huawei Qingyun G540 Empowerment Conference

Huawei Qingyun Appears at the 2023 Digital Expo: Efficient Holding of Huawei Qingyun G540 Empowerment Conference


Can't the new phone cut young people anymore? 618 phones are being sold at a low price, with some dropping by 30%

Can't the new phone cut young people anymore? 618 phones are being sold at a low price, with some dropping by 30%

In recent days, many mobile phone manufacturers have announced discounts and promotions for their phones during the 618 period.Open shopping apps such as Taobao and JD...

How did the once navigation leader push himself into despair, now that no one is interested?

How did the once navigation leader push himself into despair, now that no one is interested?

Do you usually use navigation when going out? Which navigation company are you using? Baidu? Kailide? Gao De? Or something else? Navigation has actually become a necessary tool for many people to go out, especially after the rise of the "Beidou", the accuracy of navigation has been greatly improved, which also makes many people rely more on navigation when going out.However, in recent years, the life of navigation manufacturers has not been easy...

Foreign media: The global manufacturing landscape is changing, and Chinese smartphone brands are emerging as dark horses!

Foreign media: The global manufacturing landscape is changing, and Chinese smartphone brands are emerging as dark horses!

Years ago, the hot sales of Apple smartphones and the launch of the Android system led to the rapid development of smartphones and the beginning of the era of nationwide smart mobile phones.ARM designed chipsiPhoneARM designed chipsAt that time, Apple did not form its own research and development team...