Li Kaifu personally released the big model, with a valuation of $1 billion within 8 months of the company's establishment

Li Kaifu personally released the big model, with a valuation of $1 billion within 8 months of the company's establishment

Li Kaifu, Chairman and CEO of Innovation Works.On November 6th, the artificial intelligence company "Zero One Everything" (01...

Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges Dams! The United Nations personally certified that China has quietly done a great thing in the desert

Equivalent to 20 Three Gorges Dams! The United Nations personally certified that China has quietly done a great thing in the desert

Desert is one of the most difficult terrains for humans to conquer. It occupies a quarter of the Earth's land area, but can only support less than 1% of the population...

You personally killed Tianya Forum, what are you mourning for?

You personally killed Tianya Forum, what are you mourning for?

Tianya Club has been unable to open, and netizens have launched a wave of mourning.Although I have been wandering around the world for several years, I have no feelings about this matter...