ASK M5 Standard Edition Rear End Construction Vehicle, AITO Automobile responded that AEB has minimized collisions to the greatest extent possible

ASK M5 Standard Edition Rear End Construction Vehicle, AITO Automobile responded that AEB has minimized collisions to the greatest extent possible

On November 15th, IT Home reported that a video of the rear end collision accident of Wenjie M5 recently caught the attention of netizens. In the video, a Wenjie M5 collided with a trailer hauling asphalt on the highway, causing serious damage to the front of the vehicle...

The southernmost territory: Is the Zengmu Sands controlled by China? Is it possible to reclaim land from the sea?

The southernmost territory: Is the Zengmu Sands controlled by China? Is it possible to reclaim land from the sea?

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Fact: China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is impossible

Fact: China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is impossible

The Nile River is the longest river in the world, and its flooding has always been a headache for the Sudanese government. Every year during the rainy season, the Nile River floods due to abundant rainfall, causing a large area of land in Sudan to be submerged, seriously affecting the lives and agricultural production of the local people...

 Legal Knowledge Popularization  The Reasons behind the Crazy Market Disturbance of Black Mobile Phones and Possible Solutions

Legal Knowledge Popularization The Reasons behind the Crazy Market Disturbance of Black Mobile Phones and Possible Solutions

With the rapid development of mobile communication technology and the popularization of smartphones, people's lifestyle has undergone tremendous changes, social networking, shopping, entertainment and other aspects are inseparable from the support of mobile phones.Subsequently, the issue of mobile phone harassment has become increasingly prominent...

China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is absolutely impossible!

China is on fire again! Cutting off the world's longest river, the United States and Japan exclaim: This is absolutely impossible!

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Keep an eye out for old phones at home. I just found out today and remind relatives and friends as soon as possible after reading them

Keep an eye out for old phones at home. I just found out today and remind relatives and friends as soon as possible after reading them

Nowadays, the speed of mobile phone updates is very fast, and we often fall into a cycle of purchasing new phones.However,When selling old phones, we must pay attention to the following points to ensure that our personal information and security are not compromised...

International Agency for Research on Cancer of WHO: Aspartame is a possible carcinogen

International Agency for Research on Cancer of WHO: Aspartame is a possible carcinogen

The Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recently released the assessment report on the health impact of sugar free sweetener Aspartame. The International Agency for Research on Cancer cited the "limited evidence" of carcinogenicity to human beings and classified Aspartame as one of the possible carcinogens to human beings...

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

Shameless! China has discovered metal salt mines, but the United States demands sharing! Absolutely impossible

In today's interconnected global economy, the issue of resource allocation and sharing has become one of the focuses of international attention.As the world's second largest economy and resource rich country, China's influence and strength in resource development and utilization have attracted much attention!However, recently, China has excavated a large amount of metal salts in the Qinghai region, and the United States, after learning about this, wanted metal salts and subsequently accused China,Saying that China wants to become hegemonic...

An impossible

An impossible "artifact" retrieved by Japan from an asteroid 340 million kilometers away

With the advancement of technology,Bringing extraterrestrial samples back from space is no longer a rarityBut what is shocking is that the Japanese Falcon II probe,Not only did amino acids be discovered from the "Dragon Palace" asteroid, but a human creation was also brought back,And there has been no official explanation so far, only ambiguous statements. However, global netizens are skeptical about this statementBut I don't agree...

Is it possible for physical stores to go bankrupt and hope that the country can shut down e-commerce to save them?

Is it possible for physical stores to go bankrupt and hope that the country can shut down e-commerce to save them?

In recent years, with the continuous development of the e-commerce industry, more and more people have started to choose to shop online. However, this trend has also impacted some traditional physical stores, causing some ordinary people who open physical stores to lose money...

Huawei 5G, impossible@ Tiktok short video

Huawei 5G, impossible@ Tiktok short video

Huawei's rotating CEO Xu Zhijun responded to the question about when Huawei will have 5G phones, and the answer is to see the time allowed by the US Department of Commerce.Upon hearing this sentence, I couldn't calm down for a long time...