The largest reservoir in Asia has been built between the two deserts, and now the blue waves are rippling and a hundred birds are singing together

The largest reservoir in Asia has been built between the two deserts, and now the blue waves are rippling and a hundred birds are singing together

Tengger Desert is one of the four deserts in China. The Great Wall of South Vietnam stretches to Helan Mountain in the east and Yabulai Mountain in the west, covering an area of about 30000 square kilometers...

Continuously Promoting Water Storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and Adjusting the Relocation of Over a Thousand Navigation Aids in the Chongqing Section of the Yangtze River

Continuously Promoting Water Storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and Adjusting the Relocation of Over a Thousand Navigation Aids in the Chongqing Section of the Yangtze River

Replay suspend 00:03 / 01:03 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos With the continuous advancement of the 175 meter water storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, in recent days, the waterway department of the Chongqing section of the Yangtze River has strengthened its waterway maintenance efforts, promptly relocated more than a thousand navigation aids, and fully ensured the safety of the Yangtze River waterway during the water storage period. It is reported that the Three Gorges Reservoir Area will complete a water storage of 175 meters from the end of October to the beginning of November...

How long will it take to open all the gates and let out all the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

How long will it take to open all the gates and let out all the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

The content of this article comes from the internet. If it does not match the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete it...

Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Major Discovery! High gas bearing shale gas reservoir detected in Enshi

Replay suspend 00:05 / 00:19 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos E'enye 2 Well723E'enye 2 Well51000E'enye 2 Well250051117001800405/1000Rock core immersion experimentAnalytical Gas Combustion ExperimentThe relevant person in charge of the Provincial Geological Survey Institute evaluated that the exploration results of this well can be extended to the northern areas of Enshi City City, Jianshi County and other places with the same geological structure. It is predicted that the Shale gas resources in this area are about 400 billion cubic meters, with a potential economic value of more than one trillion yuan...

How many days will it take to open all the gates and let out the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

How many days will it take to open all the gates and let out the water in the Three Gorges Reservoir?

The Three Gorges Water Conservancy Project is the largest water conservancy hub in China, with a cost of 203.9 billion yuan...

Why did the United States land on the moon so many times but never discover a

Why did the United States land on the moon so many times but never discover a "reservoir" on the moon in China?

In 2016, China's Chang'e 3 probe released the latest scientific research results, which proved for the first time that there is no water on the moon. But seven years later, China's latest Chang'e 5 probe revealed another new discovery - a new "reservoir" on the moon...