Is Hamas really a terrorist organization on the morning of October 25th? News from Palestine!

Is Hamas really a terrorist organization on the morning of October 25th? News from Palestine!

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The 25th China Association for Science and Technology Annual Conference will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province

The 25th China Association for Science and Technology Annual Conference will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province

Guangming Network NewsOn October 10th, the reporter learned from the China Association for Science and Technology that the 25th Annual Conference of the China Association for Science and Technology will be held in Hefei, Anhui Province from October 22nd to 24th with the theme of "Innovation leads self-reliance and self-improvement - creating a source of high-quality technological innovation".It is understood that this year's annual conference has set up a total of 20 activities, including the main forum, special forum, and serving local areas...