Delivery of the 30000th new car! Shenzhou Car Rental and Guoyin Financial Rental Enter a New Stage of Deep Integration and Development

Delivery of the 30000th new car! Shenzhou Car Rental and Guoyin Financial Rental Enter a New Stage of Deep Integration and Development

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: In July 2023, the delivery ceremony for the cooperation between China Bank of Finance Leasing and the leading Chinese car rental brand Shenzhou Leasing was held in Harbin, Heilongjiang. This is the largest new car delivery by the two industry giants after signing a 10 billion RMB cooperation framework in September 2022, and it is of milestone significance...

The domestic animated film

The domestic animated film "Chang'an 30000 Li" grossed over 200 million yuan at the box office

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On July 10th, according to Cat's Eye Professional Edition data, the domestically produced animated film "Chang'an 30000 Miles" was released for two days, with a total box office exceeding 200 million yuan; The total box office on the first day of release exceeded 90 million.According to the data, "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" is produced by the pursuit of light animation, set in the prosperous Tang Dynasty...