ChatGPT+Midjournal+photo digital person minute to minute character oral video? Dry Goods Tutorial

ChatGPT+Midjournal+photo digital person minute to minute character oral video? Dry Goods Tutorial

Technological innovation is often not linear, but explosive. Nowadays, the development speed of AIGC is astonishing, and it can be said that in the blink of an eye, there is already a pile of fresh cutting-edge technological advancements filled with unread lists...

Midjournal, a practical Prompt instruction sharing tool that can be used on WeChat

Midjournal, a practical Prompt instruction sharing tool that can be used on WeChat

In order to allow more people to experience the charm of AI painting, our AI Thinking Workshop has updated the AI painting function. Recently, many friends have used our AI painting (Midjournal) function to draw many exquisite pictures...

Subcellular proteome in bacteria of the phylum Pleuromycetes: differences between inner and outer membranes and prediction of expression patterns

Subcellular proteome in bacteria of the phylum Pleuromycetes: differences between inner and outer membranes and prediction of expression patterns

introductionPlanctomycetes bacteria have unique cell structure and seriously invaginated membrane, among whichT. ImmobilisThe subcellular proteome was examined by differential dissolution and subsequent LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) analysis,A total of 1569 proteins were identified...

Governance Becomes

Governance Becomes "Intelligent" Manufacturing Becomes "Intelligent" Manufacturing

Fu Jing, reporter of our newspaper He XinghuiThe "One Network Unified Management" 100+application scenario solution makes regulation "smarter" and "Digital Yangtze River Integration Platform" builds a three-dimensional digital reality map of the Yangtze River....

Foreign media: The global manufacturing landscape is changing, and Chinese smartphone brands are emerging as dark horses!

Foreign media: The global manufacturing landscape is changing, and Chinese smartphone brands are emerging as dark horses!

Years ago, the hot sales of Apple smartphones and the launch of the Android system led to the rapid development of smartphones and the beginning of the era of nationwide smart mobile phones.ARM designed chipsiPhoneARM designed chipsAt that time, Apple did not form its own research and development team...

39 major projects held at the Beijing Global Summit and signed on-site contracts

39 major projects held at the Beijing Global Summit and signed on-site contracts

Beijing, May 26 (Reporter Wang Haonan) - As one of the important events of the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum, the "Investment Beijing Global Summit" hosted by the Beijing Municipal Government was successfully held at the Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone Exhibition Center on the afternoon of the 26th. At the summit, 39 major projects were collectively signed with a total amount of approximately 60...

National Bureau of Statistics: The profit of equipment manufacturing industry significantly recovered in April

National Bureau of Statistics: The profit of equipment manufacturing industry significantly recovered in April

On May 27th, the National Bureau of Statistics released data that in April, due to factors such as the good development of the new energy industry and the low base during the same period, the profit of the equipment manufacturing industry increased significantly by 29.8% year-on-year, achieving a transition from decline to increase, driving a 6...

Microorganisms or key factors affecting global warming

Microorganisms or key factors affecting global warming

Technology Frontiers Beijing, May 26th (Reporter Deng Hui)How much carbon is in the soil on Earth? How does organic carbon form and long-term store in soil? Recently, researchers from Tsinghua University and Cornell University led an international team to carry out in-depth interdisciplinary research in the fields of ecology and computer science, using artificial intelligence and data assimilation technology to reveal the decisive role of microbial carbon use efficiency on global soil organic carbon storage. The above achievement is titled "Microbial carbon utilization efficiency promotes global soil carbon storage" and was recently published in the journal Nature...

QuestMobile: DingTalk's Most New Moon with 199 million Active Users Meets the Challenge of Commercialization in Collaborative Office

QuestMobile: DingTalk's Most New Moon with 199 million Active Users Meets the Challenge of Commercialization in Collaborative Office

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On May 25th, a third-party organization, QuestMobile, recently released the latest data. In April, the MAU (monthly active user count) of the collaborative office app remained high: DingTalk's MAU was 199 million, ranking first, Enterprise WeChat was second with 102 million, and Feishu was about 12 million...