I found a strange phenomenon: why do people like to pay with WeChat Pay instead of Alipay?

I found a strange phenomenon: why do people like to pay with WeChat Pay instead of Alipay?

The article has a total of 1971 words and is expected to take about 7 minutes. Please follow it before reading, so that you can continue to follow the relevant content in the future...

The speaker is getting smaller, but the sound quality is getting better? So these are the reasons!

The speaker is getting smaller, but the sound quality is getting better? So these are the reasons!

Why are the current audio systems small in size but with good speaker quality?With the continuous progress of technology, the size of audio speakers is getting smaller and smaller, but the sound quality is getting better and better. Why is this?Firstly, the current audio speakers adopt more advanced technology...


Those "Made in China" in Australia

Reporter Ren Xiaonan from our newspaperTurn the clock forward two hours to change the summer clothes into winter clothes. For the first overseas interview after the epidemic, a reporter from the Global Times came to Sydney, New South Wales, Australia...

From June 28, Jinan can try Alipay and take the subway!

From June 28, Jinan can try Alipay and take the subway!

On the morning of June 28, Alipay Bus Code of Jinan Metro went online for trial operation. From now on, citizens can directly use the "Jinan Metro Bus Code" in Alipay APP to swipe the code to get into the station...


The "Disintegration" of Alibaba, the End of an Era

Leslie Cheung - Love of the Year. flac4:16From Fun Technology ShowThis article is original, please do not plagiarize or move, violators will be held accountableJack Ma has retired for many years and has made few public appearances...

Alibaba International Station introduces new technology to enable foreign trade workers to start broadcasting at their workstations

Alibaba International Station introduces new technology to enable foreign trade workers to start broadcasting at their workstations

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On June 27th, data released by Alibaba International Station showed that the opening hours of each day in May this year increased by 66% year-on-year, and the number of overseas viewers increased by 186% year-on-year. The popularity of this round of cross-border live streaming is related to a series of new technologies applied behind it...

Why are female robots so popular when they are not real? These three reasons are very realistic

Why are female robots so popular when they are not real? These three reasons are very realistic

With the continuous progress of technology, research in the field of artificial intelligence is also rapidly developing, and various types of robots have emerged.Among them, female robots are a highly concerned existence...

Taobao 618 is bleak! Ali will be changed in two days!

Taobao 618 is bleak! Ali will be changed in two days!

Recently, Taobao's 618 campaign suffered a disastrous Waterloo, causing a significant decrease in sales and causing a commotion in the market. Industry insiders analyze that this is likely due to the strategic adjustment of Alibaba's Taobao subsidiary...

Who is the new CEO of Alibaba, Wu Yongming?

Who is the new CEO of Alibaba, Wu Yongming?

As soon as "618" ended, Alibaba ushered in new organizational changes.today(June 20th)At noon, Alibaba announced that with the approval of the board of directors of Alibaba Holdings Group,Zhang Yong will officially step down as Chairman and CEO of the Board of Directors of Alibaba Cloud Holding Group on September 20 this year, and will then serve as Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group full-time...

Alibaba handed it over to Ali's mother's

Alibaba handed it over to Ali's mother's "father"

Source: Internet vernacularAs soon as Jack Ma appeared, Ali underwent a drastic change.Three months ago, Jack Ma, who had not appeared for a long time, appeared in Yungu...

After Alibaba announced the adjustment, the photos of Jack Ma and Zhang Yong were exposed (group photo)

After Alibaba announced the adjustment, the photos of Jack Ma and Zhang Yong were exposed (group photo)

On June 20, Sanyan Technology reported that Alibaba announced today that Joseph Tsai, the executive vice chairman of Alibaba Holding Group, will serve as the chairman of the board of directors of Alibaba Holding Group with the approval of the board of directors of Alibaba Holding Group; Wu Yongming served as the CEO of Alibaba Holdings Group and continued to serve as the Chairman of Taotian Group.Zhang Yong will step down as the Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Holdings Group on September 10th this year...

Zhang Yong, the

Zhang Yong, the "wind maker", has been at the helm of Alibaba for the past four years

Source of this article: Time Weekly Author: Yang LinglingXiaoyaozi Zhang Yong will no longer continue to roam the business world as Chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group's Board of Directors.On June 20th, Zhang Yong announced through a letter from all staff that he would step down as Chairman and CEO of the Board of Directors of Alibaba Holdings Group on September 10th...