India has seized Xiaomi assets, and which other multinational companies have been painfully slaughtered by India?

India has seized Xiaomi assets, and which other multinational companies have been painfully slaughtered by India?

At this time last year, Indian law enforcement agencies suddenly froze hundreds of millions of dollars in Xiaomi's assets in India, which have not yet been unfrozen. Many people believe that India is targeting Chinese companies, but in fact, India is aggressively targeting all multinational corporations...

Yin and Yang are strange! Xiaomi is very injured this time, and India's assets have been frozen and will also be tarnished

Yin and Yang are strange! Xiaomi is very injured this time, and India's assets have been frozen and will also be tarnished

A while ago, there was a sensation in the digital industry that Xiaomi India Company was accused of violating local so-called foreign exchange management regulations and being frozen with over 4.8 billion yuan of funds...

Rising Community: Court Approval to Freeze US Assets of Coin An

Rising Community: Court Approval to Freeze US Assets of Coin An "Pending Confirmation" Bitcoin Falls Nearly 26000

On Thursday (June 8th) in the Asian market, Bitcoin's short-term momentum remained volatile and downward, with the currency price dropping to $26338. The US media reported overnight that the List of courts of the United States had approved the freezing of US assets, but it was later changed to "to be confirmed", and the official did not provide further information updates...