Chinese technology lights up the future city on the

Chinese technology lights up the future city on the "the Belt and Road"

CCTV News:The new administrative capital of Egypt standing on the banks of the Nile River, the Saudi Red Sea New City lying in the desert, and the thriving Eastern Industrial Park in Ethiopia are all major local projects. With the support of Chinese technology, these projects have changed the local landscape and propelled the country and region towards the future...

100 Stories of the

100 Stories of the "the Belt and Road" | China's "Stars" silently guard against climate change

In response to climate change, China's "star" silently protects. Coffee cultivation is the economic pillar of many households in Ethiopia...

A Mobile Phone Keeps the Village Busy Expert: Taobao Industry Belt Anchor Can Endorse Good Goods and Beautiful Scenery in Hometown

A Mobile Phone Keeps the Village Busy Expert: Taobao Industry Belt Anchor Can Endorse Good Goods and Beautiful Scenery in Hometown

Recently, the website reform website of the National Development and Reform Commission published an article by Zhang Chenggang, director of the China New Employment Form Research Center, titled "Taobao Live Streaming Industry Belt Creating New Space for Young People's" Light Entrepreneurship ". It stated that using professional e-commerce platforms such as Taobao to live stream and start businesses not only sells products from their hometown, but also endorses the environment and beauty of their hometown...

Shandong: Strive to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts in the province by 2025

Shandong: Strive to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts in the province by 2025

Reporter Fan JiaOn July 24th, the Shandong Provincial Government website released the "Action Plan for the Leap Development of Cross border E-commerce in Shandong Province (2023-2025)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Action Plan"), aiming to create 20 cross-border e-commerce characteristic industrial belts, cultivate 100 well-known cross-border e-commerce brands with strong international competitiveness, incubate 1000 emerging cross-border e-commerce enterprises, achieve cross-border e-commerce industry clustering, brand clustering, and efficient service by 2025 Ecological prosperity, promoting stable scale and optimized structure of foreign trade.The Action Plan lists eleven key work tasks:Innovate and enhance the "cross-border e-commerce+industrial belt" model...

Tesla has recalled nearly 16000 vehicles due to seat belt malfunction

Tesla has recalled nearly 16000 vehicles due to seat belt malfunction

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On July 21, according to a document from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Tesla recalled up to 15869 2021-2023 ModelS and ModelX vehicles due to seat belt failure.The document states: "If the front seat belt is not connected to its pre tensioner anchor according to specifications, it may cause the seat belt to fall off during normal operation...