After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi

Replay suspend 00:06 / 00:06 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos After rescuing a trapped doctor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Myanmar and failing to transfer a ransom of 120000 yuan, it was difficult for his family to contact Zhang Shi...

Saudi Arabia | Starting from October 1st, mobile phones will display the name and identity of the caller

Saudi Arabia | Starting from October 1st, mobile phones will display the name and identity of the caller

Previously, the Saudi Committee on Communications, Space and Technology (CST) submitted a draft technical specification for displaying the names and identities of mobile phone callers, which will take effect on October 1, 2023.The name and number of the calling party must be displayed in the call log, and the mobile device must be able to receive and display the names and numbers of callers of all technology types (including 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G)...

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

News from the West, Russian factories are coming to a standstill! China has made significant progress in high-end machine tools

followRussia's precision machining machines have been subject to remote lockdown sanctions from Western countries. According to reports, these machine tools were locked by remote control, causing the factory workshop to come to a standstill...

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

9 articles were exploded from the factory! The Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Lian Medical University will withdraw their papers

withdraw a contributionreal-time infoOfficial WeChatFor more exciting content, please contactPaper InformationIn December 2019, the Affiliated Hospital of Jining Medical University and the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical UniversityEuropean review for formal and pharmaceutical sciences (Zone 3.3000/4)The title published online in the journal isEffectofatorvastatininpulmonaryarterialhypertensiinratthroughPI3K/AKTsignalingpathway(The effect of Atorvastatin on pulmonary hypertension in rats through PI3K/AKT signaling pathway)...

Is the collective pressure on the White House to relax sanctions a conscience finding among the three major semiconductor companies in the United States? Intentionally sinister?

Is the collective pressure on the White House to relax sanctions a conscience finding among the three major semiconductor companies in the United States? Intentionally sinister?

A very unusual news broke out the other day, but it seems that everyone is not paying much attention. But I think this matter is significant!It is reasonable to say that the three US semiconductor giants are the forces that most want to bring down China's Semiconductor industry, but these three semiconductor giants have collectively pressed the White House to relax the sanctions ban...

With the mission of promoting agriculture through technology, Xinba Xinxuan Group's agricultural sector Hainan headquarters sets sail in Sanya

With the mission of promoting agriculture through technology, Xinba Xinxuan Group's agricultural sector Hainan headquarters sets sail in Sanya

[Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report] On July 16, the unveiling ceremony of Xinxuan Group's agricultural sector Hainan headquarters and Yazhou District Rural Revitalization Live Broadcasting Training Center was held in Sanya, Hainan. The People's Government of Yazhou District signed a strategic cooperation agreement on rural revitalization with Xin Xuan's Hainan Attitude Agriculture Co...

Mourning deeply! Feng Yanghe, a doctoral advisor at National Defense University of Science and Technology, sacrificed himself on duty at the age of only 38

Mourning deeply! Feng Yanghe, a doctoral advisor at National Defense University of Science and Technology, sacrificed himself on duty at the age of only 38

On the 15th, the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society issued a memorial to Feng Yanghe, the seventh and eighth communication committee members of the Machine Learning Special Committee of the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society.According to the article, on July 1, Feng Yanghe, a famous expert in the field of Command and control and artificial intelligence and an associate professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of System Engineering of University system, died in a car accident in Beijing at the age of 38...

Feng Yanghe, a doctoral supervisor at the University of National Defense Technology, sacrificed his life on duty at the age of only 38

Feng Yanghe, a doctoral supervisor at the University of National Defense Technology, sacrificed his life on duty at the age of only 38

According to the news on the 15th of the WeChat official account of the Chinese Association of Artificial Intelligence, on July 1, 2023, Mr. Feng Yanghe, a famous expert in Command and control and artificial intelligence and an associate professor and doctoral supervisor of the School of System Engineering of University system of National Defense Technology, died in a car accident in Beijing at the age of 38...

CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

CUHK team discovers nickel based high-temperature superconductor for the first time in the world

Scientific researchers show new nickel based High-temperature superconductivity materialsProfessor Wang Meng (middle) and team studentsYangcheng Evening News reporter Chen LiangOn July 12, the international academic journal Nature published the scientific achievement led by Professor Wang Meng of Sun Yat-sen University: the first discovery of nickel oxide superconductor at liquid nitrogen temperature. This is a new High-temperature superconductivity system first discovered by Chinese scientists in the world...

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

WeChat stated that it will not display 'read', while Tencent's PR Director stated that 'read' will increase the psychological burden and social pressure on information recipients

Recently, 'If WeChat shows read' has made it to the hot search and sparked discussions among netizens,Most netizens hold a negative attitude towards this.Netizen "Tuyi Le Ha" bluntly stated that if WeChat shows that they have read, they will be "sentenced" by their friends because they do not reply to messages but forget to reply...

Chinese scientists found nickel oxide superconductor at liquid nitrogen temperature, which is expected to break the mechanism of High-temperature superconductivity

Chinese scientists found nickel oxide superconductor at liquid nitrogen temperature, which is expected to break the mechanism of High-temperature superconductivity

On July 12, the journal Nature published the achievements of Professor Wang Meng's team from Sun Yat-sen University and other units: the first discovery of nickel oxide superconductors in the liquid nitrogen temperature zone. This is the first new High-temperature superconductivity system independently discovered by Chinese scientists...

CTO Zhu Zhaofeng of Qianyi Art Talks about Vertical Big Models:

CTO Zhu Zhaofeng of Qianyi Art Talks about Vertical Big Models: "Aladdin" Will Lead the Architectural Decoration Industry into the Era of "AI Design"

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, various industries are actively exploring how to use AI technology to improve work efficiency, reduce costs, and create more value. This trend is particularly significant in China's construction and decoration industry...