Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Focusing on supporting high-level technology self-reliance and self-improvement, improving the direct financing mechanism

Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Focusing on supporting high-level technology self-reliance and self-improvement, improving the direct financing mechanism

On June 28th, the second International Forum on Small and Medium sized Enterprise Investment and Financing, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the People's Government of Guangdong Province, and hosted by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, was held in Guangzhou. Next, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange will focus on supporting high-level technology self-reliance and self-improvement, and improve the direct financing mechanism...

Ningchang Releases the

Ningchang Releases the "Worry Free Huanye Plan" to Promote the Construction of Green Data Centers

Global Network Technology Comprehensive ReportOn June 28th, Ningchang launched the "worry free Huanye Plan" to help data centers lower the threshold for liquid cooling upgrades and achieve synchronous upgrades of green and computational efficiency.Qin Xiaoning, President of Ningchang, said, "Currently, the demand for AI servers has significantly increased, but 80-90% of data centers still use air-cooled cooling...

What changes occur to the body after death? Scientist: Six minutes after death, people still have consciousness

What changes occur to the body after death? Scientist: Six minutes after death, people still have consciousness

The UP host "Wu Wuliu" on Bilibili uploaded a video mainly commemorating his deceased grandmother, and what surprised people was that this UP host used AI technology to "resurrect" her deceased grandmother through virtual digital humans.However, Mask, the founder of SpaceX in the United States, is a typical technology maniac...

Taobao 618 is bleak! Ali will be changed in two days!

Taobao 618 is bleak! Ali will be changed in two days!

Recently, Taobao's 618 campaign suffered a disastrous Waterloo, causing a significant decrease in sales and causing a commotion in the market. Industry insiders analyze that this is likely due to the strategic adjustment of Alibaba's Taobao subsidiary...

2023 Exchange for

2023 Exchange for "Xiaomi" and "OPPO": These 5 models have a minimum price of 1479 yuan and are smooth for three years without pressure

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J&T Express submits listing application in Hong Kong Stock Exchange

J&T Express submits listing application in Hong Kong Stock Exchange

On June 16, according to the documents of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, J&T Express Global Co., Ltd...

Nokia Bell Changjiang: Computing power network is the new cornerstone of the future digital intelligence era

Nokia Bell Changjiang: Computing power network is the new cornerstone of the future digital intelligence era

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiThe rapid development of communication infrastructure represented by 5G and Information infrastructure represented by cloud computing also provides basic conditions for the integration of network and computing power. By providing a "bridge" for computing power through the network, computing power networks provide social basic services like water and electricity...

Is the 14nm process taken off the shelf? The situation of Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation has changed. Foreign media: the sanctions of the United States have taken effect

Is the 14nm process taken off the shelf? The situation of Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation has changed. Foreign media: the sanctions of the United States have taken effect

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How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World by 2030

How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the World by 2030

The World Tide of Technological InnovationReporter Liu Xia from our newspaperAccording to the Daily Mail website in the UK, eight artificial intelligence (AI) experts from the United States and the UK have predicted how this technology will change people's lives in the next 10 years. These experts said that by 2030, AI can take care of the elderly, make movies, teach classes, improve the economy, and help solve the energy crisis...

The Heart of Molecules Xu Jinbo's speech at Zhongguancun Forum: AI protein design leads to new changes in biobased economy

The Heart of Molecules Xu Jinbo's speech at Zhongguancun Forum: AI protein design leads to new changes in biobased economy

On May 30, it was reported that at the Zhongguancun Forum "Scientific Research Forum Driven by Artificial Intelligence", Xu Jinbo, a well-known computational biologist, founder of Molecular Heart and outstanding visiting professor of the Institute of Intelligent Industry (AIR) of Tsinghua University, said that AI biology has become a new core field of global science and technology integration and innovation. Driven by emerging technologies such as AI protein design technology, the field of biotechnology is undergoing disruptive changes, The AI biological model will accelerate this process...

AI silky face changing and voice changing, you think the chat female netizen looks like this, but in reality, she may look like this

AI silky face changing and voice changing, you think the chat female netizen looks like this, but in reality, she may look like this

introductionWith the introduction of Chat-Gpt, this year it is calledArtificial Intelligence "First Year".Some fields have already risenIntelligent "Revolution"...

Foreign media: The global manufacturing landscape is changing, and Chinese smartphone brands are emerging as dark horses!

Foreign media: The global manufacturing landscape is changing, and Chinese smartphone brands are emerging as dark horses!

Years ago, the hot sales of Apple smartphones and the launch of the Android system led to the rapid development of smartphones and the beginning of the era of nationwide smart mobile phones.ARM designed chipsiPhoneARM designed chipsAt that time, Apple did not form its own research and development team...