100 Stories of the

100 Stories of the "the Belt and Road" | China's "Stars" silently guard against climate change

In response to climate change, China's "star" silently protects. Coffee cultivation is the economic pillar of many households in Ethiopia...

Climate change affects global action against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

Climate change affects global action against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 18 Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, tuberculosis and Malaria, warned that climate change and armed conflict are affecting global efforts to fight these three dangerous infectious diseases.This is the headquarters building of the United Nations Programme on AIDS in Geneva, Switzerland, on July 13...

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

The impact of hydrogen leakage on climate exceeds CO_ More than 2 times

Science and Technology Daily (reporter Liu Xia) An international scientific research team led by scientists from the International Climate and Environment Research Center (CICERO) in Oslo, Norway, published a paper on the magazine Communication Earth and Environment published on June 7, saying that the impact of leaked hydrogen on global warming is almost 12 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2). This is the most comprehensive assessment of the climate impact of hydrogen gas to date, filling the relevant knowledge gap...