Two Steps Ahead: Lockheed Martin Compact Controllable Fusion Test Project

Two Steps Ahead: Lockheed Martin Compact Controllable Fusion Test Project

This article is excerpted from James C. Goodall, translated by Weng Wei, "The Skunk Factory: A 75 Year History of Advanced Aircraft Development"More than 70 years ago, scientists discovered that nuclear fission reactions can generate enormous amounts of energy, which was undoubtedly a significant discovery that attracted worldwide attention at that time...

Does the monthly live streaming sales of internet celebrities exceed one million? Revealing the True Income of Broadcasters: Overall Polarization

Does the monthly live streaming sales of internet celebrities exceed one million? Revealing the True Income of Broadcasters: Overall Polarization

Replay suspend 00:07 / 04:52 direct seeding 00:00 Enter full screen 0 Click and hold to drag videos Poster News Chief Reporter Li Zijiao Reporter Lv Le Linyi ReportSeven months, five million a monthdirect seeding735001100277600direct seeding15Anchor Wang Yucheng is introducing the products in the store to netizensdirect seedingdirect seeding6direct seedingdirect seedingBase salary plus commission, with a monthly income of 10000 yuanFamily members, we are shipping the original oil chestnut kernels from Yimeng Mountain to everyone, all of which are picked, made, and shipped immediatelyAnchor Wang Yucheng is introducing the products in the store to netizens10direct seedingAnchor Wang Yucheng is introducing the products in the store to netizens3direct seedingdirect seeding7000direct seeding100005000Low industry threshold and considerable incomedirect seedingdirect seedingdirect seedingdirect seedingdirect seeding2022-2023direct seeding202220232022direct seeding1.54...

Deli sets up a technology company with 200 million yuan in Wuhan, including integrated circuit chip business

Deli sets up a technology company with 200 million yuan in Wuhan, including integrated circuit chip business

According to the Tianyancha App, Wuhan Deli Technology Co., Ltd...

Breaking through the 8-inch lithium niobate crystal growth technology, Jinan University team assists in the development of the optical communication industry

Breaking through the 8-inch lithium niobate crystal growth technology, Jinan University team assists in the development of the optical communication industry

Reporter Yin Mingliang, Correspondent Liu KekeLiu ZheRecently, Professor Liu Hong from the Frontier Cross Science Research Institute of Jinan University updated this message on his Moments: After nearly a year of research and dozens of rounds of exploration, Dehui and his friends have finally mastered the perfect 8-inch lithium niobate crystal growth technology. Assist in the preparation of large-sized lithium niobate thin films, promote the development of optoelectronic integrated devices, and achieve a full chain breakthrough in China's new generation information industry...

The world's largest! First one! Completing lifting in China

The world's largest! First one! Completing lifting in China

Source: CCTV FinanceThe International Large Science Engineering Square Kilometer Array Radio Telescope, also known as SKA, is located in South Africa and Australia, and is the largest comprehensive aperture radio telescope under construction in human history. After completion, its total receiving area reaches 1 square kilometer, which is the size of 140 football fields,As the world's largest synthetic aperture radio telescopeProvide new opportunities for human understanding of the universe...

Super Computing Encounters National Treasures! This strategic cooperation agreement was signed today

Super Computing Encounters National Treasures! This strategic cooperation agreement was signed today

On October 19th, the National Supercomputing Chengdu Center and Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony and the unveiling ceremony of the Endangered Animal Genetics and Computing Innovation Center.What problems will "supercomputing" solve when encountering national treasures?In recent years, with the rapid and high-quality increase in the number of artificially bred giant pandas, China's giant panda protection has achieved preliminary results...

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

The largest in our country! Fully completed and put into operation

On the one5th, China Petroleum released a message,The largest ultra deep condensate gas field in China, Bozi Dabei Gas Field in Tarim Basin, has been fully completed and put into operation, marking a new stage of large-scale development in the new trillion cubic meter atmospheric area of the Tarim Basin, adding new guarantees for the safe and stable gas supply of the West East Gas Pipeline.Bozi Dabei Gas Field is located at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, and is a national key project...

The first development well operation of the

The first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project has been successfully completed

On October 16th, the reporter learned from CNOOC that the first development well operation of the "Deep Sea No.1" Phase II project was successfully completed, with a daily production of over 1 million cubic meters of natural gas and over 230 cubic meters of condensate tested, far exceeding design expectations...

The first development well of China's first deepwater high-pressure project

The first development well of China's first deepwater high-pressure project "Deepwater No.1" Phase II project has been completed

Today (October 16th), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced that the first development well operation of China's first deepwater high-pressure project, "Deepwater No.1" Phase II, has been successfully completed...

India finally faced a counterattack, and Xiaomi launched a counterattack. However, Indian media said please understand our grievances

India finally faced a counterattack, and Xiaomi launched a counterattack. However, Indian media said please understand our grievances

India has always been known as the destination for foreign enterprises. No foreign enterprise can achieve a complete withdrawal in India...

Here comes the 'Little Man Donkey'! Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology has officially launched a new campus express delivery model

Here comes the 'Little Man Donkey'! Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology has officially launched a new campus express delivery model

I am a Little Man Donkey unmanned vehicle, package delivery package line. In order to further improve the intelligent level of campus express delivery services, recently, the Logistics Support Department of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology coordinated with Cainiao Post Station merchants to deploy the unmanned express vehicle "Little Man Donkey" on the southern campus, starting to deliver packages to Master Guang students!It is understood that "Xiao Man Lv" is a logistics robot developed by Alibaba Dharma Institute, integrating the latest artificial intelligence and autonomous driving technology...

2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit Successfully Held

2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit Successfully Held

On October 16th, the 2023 China Semiconductor Materials Industry Development (Texas) Summit opened in Texas, with the theme of "collaborative innovation and common development". Experts, scholars, and enterprises gathered together to exchange ideas on academic research, technological progress, and industrial development in the field of semiconductor materials in China...