Jibang Consulting: The global laptop market is expected to see an annual shipment growth of 2-5% in 2024

Jibang Consulting: The global laptop market is expected to see an annual shipment growth of 2-5% in 2024

Global Network Technology Comprehensive Report: On October 12th, according to a report from market analysis firm Chibang Consulting, the inventory of the notebook computer market began to show a healthy trend in the second quarter of this year, and this situation became more apparent in the third quarter. It is estimated that the notebook computer market will rebound in 2024, with an annual shipment growth of 2-5%...

Zhitong Consulting Chen Jingwen Talks on

Zhitong Consulting Chen Jingwen Talks on "Electrochemical Energy Storage": Integration Will Become a Potential Trend in the Industry

Global Network Technology Reporter Zheng XiangqiCurrently, under the "dual carbon" goal, the renewable energy industry is pressing the "acceleration key" for development. As a key technology supporting the development of renewable energy, energy storage has also entered a new stage of leapfrog development...